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View Full Version : Too strict?

10-29-2006, 09:44 PM
Parents they can be so strict when they want like hypothetically speaking... Not posting a picture on the internet... Maybe it's for safety. But it's really annoying... Really... Losen up a bit. We're not up to anything bad! :mad2:

10-29-2006, 09:45 PM
Hey, your not "dating" someone from a forum *think we're dating anyway*. Ive had to tell my parents we met through friends. My parents think everyone on the Internet is a paedophile.

10-29-2006, 09:45 PM
Usually, when parents are too strict, their children become even more rebellious and naughty. When parents have a healthy balance, the children usually turn out quite well, with good morals and a healthy knowledge of what is 'right' and 'wrong'.

I've seen countless strict parents get disowned by their children, and I hope I won't be among that figure. We try our best. :)

10-29-2006, 09:49 PM
The first time I told my parents I was going to meet someone I'd only known online up to that point (I'd done it... three times before, I believe), my mother freaked out. HE COULD BE A SERIAL KILLER! Of course, half the worry might have been that I was traveling half way across the country to meet him. :P They didn't try to "forbid" me from doing it or anything, though. I'm 21. I know what I'm doing.

(Best weekend of my life, by the way)

10-29-2006, 11:37 PM
I'm not strict and I give my daughter a lot of freedom when going out but I do not allow disobedience. For example 2 weeks ago she refused to clean her room, so I went downstairs to the garage, got the old trusty Black And Decker drill gun and took off her bedroom door. Her room was spotless an hour later ;)

Twisted Tinkerbell
10-29-2006, 11:51 PM
My mum was always pretty strict with me, and as a result I ended up really good at not getting caught. I was never that bad though, as my mum is really scary.

Madame Adequate
10-30-2006, 12:00 AM
My mother was not at all strict about such things. By the time I discovered the internet, however, I was old and smart enough to look out for myself.

10-30-2006, 12:25 AM
I'm under no illusions as to how easy it is for some whacko to find out lal the information he/she/it can about me based solely on a post that reads, "lol."

Because any internet activity can be traced to my 5th cousin's bank account if somebody looks hard enough.

On that note, I don't ever blatantly post pictures or reveal anything true about myself that could identify me beyond any other imaginary character you can think of.

If somebody wants to destroy me, they may, but I don't feel the need to perpetuate it. In short: Obey your parents. They probably know less about this subject than you do, but, ironically, they're probably right anyway.