View Full Version : The Prestige!

10-31-2006, 01:31 AM
I saw this movie yesterday. I thought it was great! Pretty weird, but great!

Toward the end, it started getting pretty bizarre, but when you think back, it kinda makes sense. Even though it's out there, it still fits together. I love it when that happens.

It wasn't just this complete out of nowhere twist that a lot of movies pull. There were plenty of clues the whole way through. It's just that none of those clues come together until the very very last minutes of the movie. And then it's like, "oooh. Wait. Ooohh! Waaait. >_>. OH!"

Coming out of the movie, I thought it was just ok, but the more I thought about it and the more I put things together in my head hours after the movie had ended, the more I liked it.

Anyway, it was a very interesting movie.

Madame Adequate
10-31-2006, 01:39 AM
I can't wait to see this, but it's not out here yet for, I believe, another two weeks :(

10-31-2006, 01:44 AM
I've been describing this movie as a two-hour ticket to Sadtown. All of the stuff that happened just left a really bad taste in my mouth.

It was well done, of course (except for the part with Tesla's invention. I mean, c'mon. That was too out-there.), but I just didn't care much for it.

10-31-2006, 01:48 AM
Christopher Nolan is a fantastic director, and I loved the way the cast fit together. Bale and Jackman were great, and I thought the entire movie was done really well. I knew it was a twist film, so I paid close attention throughout and figured out the secret pretty quickly. I originally thought it was Jackman's double who drowned in the tank, but it was pretty obvious as soon as you saw the hats that Jackman had cloned himself in the act. And as for Bale being what's-his-name, that was pretty obvious too as soon as they began discussing relationship stuff. Still, it was a damn entertaining movie, and of course Michael Cain is awesome.

10-31-2006, 12:51 PM
I haven't seen it... yet. I'm very much looking forward to it coming out here in Denmark, which will only be a couple of weeks or so I think.

Del Murder
11-01-2006, 04:19 AM
I really liked this movie. Everything except that invention, which Hsu mentioned. That took a lot away from it for me. It would have been cooler if it was pulled off without the science-fictional stuff, but oh well. The twists were pretty good though and after you learn it you realize there were so many hints about it throughout. The ending was kind of weird, but it was a great movie about obsession and of course magic.

11-15-2006, 08:43 PM
I loved it. It kept me guessing pretty much all the way through and I didn't seem much of it coming at all. Er, despite the clues. I have no real complaint about Tesla's invention - it allowed Jackman's character to "get his hands dirty". Plus, I'm really happy to go with my imagination. It's not like the film was grounded in reality (okay, it was set in Victorian times, but it was hardly a period piece).

Christian Bale was outstanding (again). When I first heard him speak in his bizarre Cockney accent, I was wondering how he'd pull it off. I wondered exactly the same thing when I heard him speaking white-boy gangsta in 'Harsh Times'. But there was no need for me to worry. His combination of subtlety and intensity wins me over every time. I seem to have sympathy for him even when he's playing complete prats (like Patrick Bateman).

Oh, and Michael Caine was masterful again. He seems to have received a new lease of life in the last 5 years.

11-15-2006, 08:56 PM
I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. It's not perfect by any means, but it's entertaining IMO, and one of the few movies that made me want to go see it again right after seeing it the first time.

Though chalk me up as another one that wished they could have come up with an answer that didn't involve science fiction. In a movie that was otherwise plausible with limited suspension of disbelief, that element actually detracted from the overall story. I don't have the answer as to what would have worked better and still gotten the message across, I just wish they had found one.

The only other thing that truly bothered me was

the silly excuse for why the relationships between Bruce Wayne and his wife and Batman and Scarlett Johannsen fell apart--that sometimes Batman had to be with the wife and Bruce Wayne with Scarlett. That's totally irrational.