View Full Version : Chess Tournament!

11-06-2006, 04:53 AM
Obviously, that stickied thread up there isn't applying to anything. Either all the players have left and quit or else they are so disappointed with the tragedy of their circumstance that they are trying to forget it forever or, or, or maybe they're like the other online players. Maybe they just like to open windows, open boards, sit on one side and wait for hours, days, weeks, and years until somebody would like to play a game with them, and then they never agree to answer the other player or even start the game at all, thus wasting their entire lives.

I will not do this. I will not stand for this. Chess is a game for people of action. Strategists, tacticians, tricksters of the mind. Movers. Not stallers. You cannot "Pass" in chess. The best you can do for that is the en passant.


If anybody wants to play chess on the boards and start a tournament in which games are played and finished, people are ranked, multiple games are played and won, and ultimately multiple tournaments are played and won, say "Aye."

And let's get this flat tire aired up and rolling.

Edit: Wow. Page 2, no reply here, and people posting on the sticky... Retarded.