View Full Version : What do you like in a final fantasy?

11-07-2006, 12:41 AM
I like the final fantasys where in the end it is impossible for any characters to be alike (abilities, magic, etc)

11-07-2006, 12:42 AM
The love, pain, anger and death!

11-07-2006, 01:50 AM
"I like swords."

But really, I like titles that reward strategy VS picking "all teh kewl powerful chars". Such as making the age old development of the Knight class (or an accessory/relic that does the equivelent) effective by raising the point where a character is in critical HP, or a game where you may consider a spell you have often overlooked. (Life 3, Frog, ect.) I often feel titles like Final Fantasy VII favoured killing them with endless Mimic'd summons/abilities before they can kill you. Feeling like I won due to a strategy or utilizing something correctly feels a lot better than winning via repetitive command, unless it's an older title like Final Fanasy I because they offer a great deal of challenge through simple means. But that's just me. =P

11-07-2006, 02:05 AM
I like the absence of the Sphere Grid.

And I like the presence of a balanced Job system, like in FFV, or better yet, FFT.

Frozen Phantom
11-07-2006, 02:07 AM
I like the never ending violence :)

11-07-2006, 02:11 AM
I like blonde androgynous boys with tans.

Acid Raine
11-07-2006, 03:03 AM
I like blonde androgynous boys with tans.


You came to the right place.

EDIT: WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! 1000th post!

11-07-2006, 03:25 AM
The variety in backstories of the characters.

Oh, and mogs. :mog:

11-07-2006, 03:30 AM

11-07-2006, 03:34 AM
I like the ones where you have exquisite control over the growth of your characters, junctioning, spheregrid, etc

The ones where you can get away with just attacking your way through the mess, but have a bunch of abilities to choose from too, if you choose.

the ones where they get all loveydovey

11-07-2006, 03:59 AM
I always associate Final Fantasy with a world that hangs in a balance of the twin forces of Darkness and light, which are channelled through crystals or orbs which have the power, should either side gain an upper hand, to tear the world apart.

It's a manifestation of an awesome metaphor about the precariousness of life as we know it on this planet, and I find it to be the spectacular heart of this Fantasy that is Final Fantasy.
I think that once the plots stray from this and relationships and what not are created with no relevancy or symbolism towards the underlying imperative idea, then the storylines and plotlines become twisted, bordering on cliche, and it's hard to accept that the game is Final Fantasy anymore.

So... I hope I have expressed what I like well enough through what I don't like.

Because that's how I explain myself.

Because I'm a pessimist.

And bad things will invariably happen. A lot.

Wolf Kanno
11-07-2006, 06:16 AM
To me, I generally take the term "Final Fantasy" as literal. These games represent the end of an era for these worlds. If you don't count the sequels, an ignore the possibility that a few of them "might" be connected. Then you can see that each game is the last epic tale for these worlds. The Lunarians departing (FFIV), the destruction of the the crystals (FFV and FFIX), magic being extinguished forever (FFVI), Meteor and Holy's battle (FFVII), Time Compression (FFVIII), The bringing of the Eternal Calm (FFX) and even FFI The heroes are forever in a time loop battling Chaos.

So to me, FF is all about the last great stories these worlds have to offer. I also have an odd obsession with moogles...

boys from the dwarf
11-07-2006, 07:57 AM
too many things and i'd bore you if i made a huge list.

most of the things FF9 has.

a good variety of abilities.

length and storyline as well as depth and character depth. i like it to be a big game with loads of stuff to interest me.

secrets. sidequests and option bosses as well as hidden places on the world map.

area design. one thing i love abtou FF9 is how all of the areas are brilliantly designed and all look great.

different species. E.G. burmecians. genomes. black mages. summoners. humans.

interesting enemy designs and variety of enemies. E.G. most FFs have loads of different monsters. ultimecias final form is very well designed and so is zeromus and other important bosses.

11-07-2006, 08:30 AM

-Characters who you can really connect with. Ones that actually have a personality and develop throughout the game.

-An interesting story that flows smoothly. I hate when some games don't give you much info on the story in some parts, but then throw so much story at you that it's impossible to comprehend everything.

11-07-2006, 10:08 AM
I really enjoy the storylines.
and the way everything just seems to start off lightly, and soon there is a huge problem.
The love stories are also one of the enjoyable points for me.
and the way, when a really good game comes to an end, you keep wnating more, and if its sad enough, can make me cry, and most FF's do this for me :P
excluding FFx-2 maybe...

11-07-2006, 12:50 PM
I like the final fantasys where in the end it is impossible for any characters to be alike (abilities, magic, etc)

I'll second that. I suppose this is why IV and IX are so special to me. As much fun as I am having with XII right now, I can't help but wish that the characters had more unique abilities.

In some of the games (VI, VII, VIII) I couldn't help but wonder what the point of having more than 3/4 characters in the game was since they can all pretty much to the same thing minus a few unique abilties.

11-07-2006, 09:14 PM
class systems like in FF5.

11-07-2006, 09:49 PM
I like the ones that end in "Tactics."

Frozen Phantom
11-07-2006, 10:27 PM
I like the ones that end in "Tactics."

I second that

11-08-2006, 03:34 AM
-I like FF's with loveable races, Qus, Kitties, etc.

-Loveable and deeply developed characters.

-Non-Traditional Heroes

-Dramatic FF's, like 6,7,9,10,12, etc.

-Likeable main characters

-No job system

-No junctioning-ish, unless done smartly like FF7's and FF12's.

11-08-2006, 03:40 AM
Nihilistic villains who somehow obtain godhood.

Firo Volondé
11-08-2006, 06:37 AM
Young, enthusiastic characters, especially when they clash with the older, gruffer characters.

Limit Breaks/Overdrives.

Long, tough, non-frustating sidequests (to keep me occupied;))

Games where everyone is useful.

Masamunes that are kick-ass (left) and not spanners (right).

11-12-2006, 05:02 PM
I like a friggin world map.

11-12-2006, 05:16 PM
I like cool characters and an amazing story!!!:D :D

Darth Cid
11-12-2006, 06:08 PM
What I like in a Final Fantasy, is anything doesn't have "VII" and some text other than "Final Fantasy" in the title. FFVII is alright, but its spinoffs ftl.

11-12-2006, 07:11 PM
I like the ones that end in "Tactics."

Yes, and they must be archaic, as in, not "Advance".

FFT is definitely my favorite game ever.

But if we're talking actual numbered series, exculding spin-off games like FFT, FFMQ and others, I like whatever they put in FF6. FF6 has always struck me as one of those games that really didn't have much room for improvement. Off the top of my head, I can't think of single thing about that game that ought to be different.

Not that I can think of any problems with FFT, either.

11-12-2006, 07:32 PM
What I enjoy in Final Fantasy:

-heroic Characters (Galuf for the win)
-A few good touching scenes (I'm looking at you, FF V)
-Great villains (Exdeath, Kuja, ...)
-Why, the music of course!
-Random Encounters with good old leveling up and ATB/Turn Based
-World Maps
-Challenges (Omega, Shinryu, Ultima Weapon, Ozma, you name it)
-Great Final Boss backgrounds (Zeromus, Neo Exdeath)

More, personal reasons with some personal meaning behind them that you guys don't need to know. ;)

-The Void
-The outer-space-ish Final Dungeons
-Godlike Final Bosses (Necron, Sephiroth, Kefka, ...)

black orb
11-16-2006, 03:45 AM
>>> Aside from the obvious stuff, I like how you can carry tons and tons of items, and I like my items x100..
Most of the rpgs i`ve played fail in this aspect..

11-17-2006, 03:18 AM
Personally, ill draw on FFIV for this post

The thing that i really enjoyed in this one is

-The story, with all twists and turns
-weapons/spells and damage they inflict!
-the hero, Cecil is quite an "untraditional" hero, and at the beginning, i did not like him very much, but his trials and experiences mold his expectations and duties from "humly following the king" to "down with the king" to "destroy evil"
-and how it all flows together ^ ^

11-17-2006, 03:56 PM

11-17-2006, 09:07 PM
Jobs, and other character-building elements that allow me more ways to experiment with my party...I feel more "invested" in MY characters as opposed to just moving the game's characters through a story.

Beyond that, level design is really important to me. Levels that are interesting and fun to play through trump simply wandering through generic caves and castles put there to give you something to do. Graphics, music, and the types of monsters that appear all contribute to level design in addition to particular quirks or puzzles that are particular to that setting.

Those are my two biggest factors in how I ultimately feel about a FF game. I love great stories as well, but for me, for this series, it's not as important as the gameplay.

03-16-2007, 06:50 AM
Does anyone know if they are making a movie out of final fanasy XII?
I really want to know

Bart's Friend Milhouse
03-16-2007, 11:56 AM
so that's where my phoenix down went :p

03-16-2007, 03:47 PM
The character design and area design and the story and the gameplay and the secrets and the everything. Basically.

Wolf Kanno
03-16-2007, 09:08 PM
Does anyone know if they are making a movie out of final fanasy XII?
I really want to know

No, not that anyone is aware of I'm afraid. Though there is a manga running in Japan right now that acts as a prequel to FFXII;)

03-17-2007, 09:45 AM
i like all of them in their own way. but i'd like to see more games where i can choose race, job, gender, and form groups, etc. yes, it sounds like the MMO, but it's more like a weave between those in the series that already have these options.

The black mage
03-21-2007, 02:50 PM
i like how each game is diffrent, and you never see the same charcters twice (exept Gilgamesh). It keeps the games fresh. But it kept a core theams and items to it, which make it easier to enjoy.

MikeL Valentine
03-22-2007, 07:21 PM
Beuty + Happiness + Sadness + Destruction + Death + Power + Action + Fantasy + Imagination + Unatural + Magic + Friendship + Love = Incredible story = Awesome game :cool:
Music also plays a very important role..

Do I have to say more?

03-23-2007, 09:16 PM
Storyline and originallity. Oh and music too. Don't forget character development. And chocobo's and moogles. Too much stuff too list...

03-24-2007, 03:41 PM
lets see..

Characters-must have great personalities and an in depth past
Story-a long,epic story filled with action, romance and tragedy. Many twists, turns and points where you are gagging fr more. Also with no annoying plot holes.
Voice acting-Need superb voice acting to beat FFXII, however try not to make the voices too american and without the poor translations *cough* FFAC
Battle System-I like too see a mix of random encounters and the battle system from XII, however try not to make the fight scenes too long ie. short introduction into the fight and make the classic FF victory poses only for the bosses.
Job System-I like to see the good ol class systems back where you pick a job and stick to it ie Black Mage, White Mage, Warrior, Rogue and at a certain level you can evolve the classes ie Black Wizard, White Wizard, Paladin, Ninja, Dark Knight, Samurai.
Villians-Very nasty villians who are completey bent at destroying the world and running over kittens. Following a classic forumula if you defeat one villian there will be a greater more evil vilian for you to defeat until you reach the ultimate villian
Weapons and Wardrobe-a great selection of clothing which will fit each class well and give the ability to edit head gear. Weapons need to be diverse, job specific and should suit the class aswell ie Ninjas get to dual wield, paladins with 1h/shield, dark knights and samurai with 2h, I would like to see Mages to dual wield with a staff and melee weapon like a dagger or hammer.
The World-a big epic world filled with diversity, i like to see the good old world map again with hidden locations.

Oh and yeah add the classic FF stuff like moogles, chocobos, airships and a guy name Cid