View Full Version : Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkachi 2

11-07-2006, 03:37 PM
Greetings and Welcome

I have a question about this game, a very simple one really.. When is the release date? please god somebody tell me, ive been going off my head trying to figure ít out.

If someone could tell me, i would be very greatful....

Ps: Please dont get wrong idea of me, im not some DBZ loveing nerd or anything. I dont watch it or follow it in anyway, even dough my knowledge in it would disagree, i just simply love the fighting games! I dont know why! 15 for crying out loud...:cry:

Thank you and Goodnight!

11-07-2006, 03:41 PM
JP 10.05.06
EU 11.03.06
US 11.07.06
AU 11.09.06

11-07-2006, 03:44 PM
And November 21 for the Wii in the US, the tuesday after Wii comes out.

Don't be ashamed of being a DBZ fan!

Captain Maxx Power
11-07-2006, 03:51 PM
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Also I'm pretty sure some of the admins are fans of DBZ.

Ashley Schovitz
11-07-2006, 04:05 PM
I heard that Super DBZ was pretty good, have you tried that?

11-07-2006, 04:29 PM
If this game has the same problems as the first Tenkachi, I won't be playing it.

11-07-2006, 04:34 PM
I heard that Super DBZ was pretty good, have you tried that?

hehe ive seen screen shots.. It is absoultly rubbish ghraphis and the atmosphere is a joke, not only that you can only be 13 characters! LOL

DBZ Budokai Tenkachi, there is over 129 characters and that isnt includeing the transformations they can do.

Im pretty sure im not get super dragonball z and i cant help but wonder, why in the world even make super DBZ?
Try search for info on it and see what i mean.

11-07-2006, 05:15 PM
Super DBZ was a solid attempt at making a DBZ game that is actually competitive. It's very average as a 3D fighting game, but as a DBZ game it falls short.

The Budokai (and probably Tenkaichi) games aren't super deep or balanced or anything, but it's hella awesome to see the special moves played out on the screen in front of you. Super DBZ doesn't have all the flashy cutscenes for the super moves--in fact I don't think it has any super moves at all.

The core gameplay of Super DBZ is more in line with a 'real' fighting game than the Budokais are. If they can somehow merge the traditional fighter controls of SDBZ with Budokai's flashiness, that would be a real winner.

Markus. D
11-07-2006, 06:38 PM
nothings wrong with likeing anime ^~^

Frozen Phantom
11-13-2006, 02:54 AM
DBZ Budokai Tenkachi, there is over 129 characters and that isnt includeing the transformations they can do.

don't kid yourself, the more characters you have in a fighting game, the more carbon copies, I bet over half of these characters fight exactly the same.

Elite Lord Sigma
11-13-2006, 09:45 PM
If this game has the same problems as the first Tenkachi, I won't be playing it.

Well, be glad that Tenkaichi was nowhere near as bad as Ultimate Battle 22...

11-22-2006, 01:59 PM
I've been relatively interested in the Wii game for a while. It's not one of the 'pick up and play' type games, but apparently once you get over the steep looking curve it's big fun.


If my local store gets Wii soon, (since they're forcing us to buy 2 games), I might just get this along with Zelda.

11-22-2006, 05:24 PM
The biggest thing that put me off the first Tenkachi game were the survival rounds. It's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Who the hell plays a fighting game to spend two minutes trying to block and dodge a stupidly overpowered enemy? It was inane. :monster:

Holy Lancer
01-04-2007, 03:09 AM
This one is ok. They can do alot to improve it if they are going to make another one. Some things I would like to see are:

***1.) Real DBZ Soundtrack from show
2.) Bigger stage maps
3.) All of the missing characters (i.e. Puipui, Yakon, Nail, Androids 14 and 15, King Cold, Future Gohan, Appule, Evil Piccolo, Cyborg Tao, Base Baby, Evil Dragons, General Rilldo)
4.) Better story mode
5.) All uniforms (where is teen and adult Gohan''s uniform that looks like Goku's)
6.) Harder hits (I hate it when I hit someone really hard and they don't go very far. In the series you see people getting hit through mountains really fast but when you hit someone hard in the game they go like 100 feet)
7.) Longer fights (fights are too short)
8.) Make it so that someone like from an early saga like Reccome, Nappa, or Amdroid 16 can't make a good fight against someone really strong like SSJ3 Goku, or Ultimate/Mystic Gohan. It makes it fake.

They can still make Tenkaichi 3 alot better I'm not too impressed with Tenaichi 2.

01-04-2007, 01:20 PM
Get a Wii. Play it on the Wii. You WILL love it. This game is freakin' awesome.

And they always need to leave room for improvement, so they did leave some things out that they probably could have.

I don't know how the story mode could be "better". Perhaps if it had the awesome cutscenes of the first Budokai game, but think about what you actually have in Tenkaichi 2. Tenkaichi 2 goes through the ENTIRE DBZ storyline, including the movies, and even includes alternate stories and elements from Dragon Ball and GT. The box claims 'over 120 characters', which is a bit dubious since a good chunk of them are transformations of existing characters, but its quite true. Every stage of a character has a different move set, so they are essentially a different character. Kid Gohan plays different than Teen Gohan, Sword Trunks plays different Super Saiyan Sword Trunks, who plays different than just-plain-no-sword-Trunks, The Great Saiyaman plays different than Normal Adult Gohan who plays different than Super Saiyan 2 Adult Gohan...

The amazing amount of content in this game more than makes up for whatever flair the story mode lacks.

Now for your points:
1) I hope you mean the Japanese soundtrack, the US one isn't that inspiring. Some of the music pieces in this game are actually quite good, and fitting for an action/fighting game.
2) Bigger stages wouldn't hurt. Might need a more powerful game system though. If you didn't notice, the stages are completely destructible, even without world-destroying skills like the spirit bombs.
3) More characters wouldn't hurt at all
4) Spoke about story earlier
5) Did Teen Gohan ever wear a uniform like Goku's? We only see him in Piccolo's if I recall correctly. Adult Gohan's Orange Gi is un Ultimate Gohan mode. Also, did you notice the difference between the first few changes of Goku's costume? All that changes is the symbol on his gi, reflecting the different people who he's trained with (Roshi, King Kai, etc). Yeah, I'm a DBZ nerd.
6) Well, stages aren't that big. If you are near a mountain when you smash them and you aim the shot correctly (you did know you can aim your smashes, right?) then they will shoot through mountains. The main point of smashing someone like that is to immediately follow up with a Blast 2/ultimate technique, or go in for the Dragon Homing/Vanish Attack combos. Try it out, it's verrrry fulfilling. (Maybe less so on the PS2, Wii version is freakin' awesome.)
7) I assume you mean in Story Mode. Go through Story Mode as a lv 8 character (no bonuses) and see how much longer the fights last.
8) If the superstrong characters were so blatantly overpowering compared to the likes of earlier/weaker characters, the game balance would be abysmal (like in Tenkaichi 1). If everybody is playing as the Super Saiyans because everyone else is useless, the game will get very stale real quick. Having the 'weaker characters' being able to stand up at least a little better balances the game a bit more. They are still at a disadvantage though. Unless they are all pumped up on the stat bonuses, then yeah they would be harder to beat.

No doubt the Budokai series will continue, whether or not it'll continue in the 'Tenkaichi' vein remains to be seen. But there is always room for improvement.

Like I mentioned at the beginning, if you can get a Wii, spend time learning how to play it again with the Wii controls. It is amazing.