View Full Version : Should I level up some more?

11-09-2006, 09:20 PM
Ok, I'm my highest level person is Zidane (he's like lvl 43), and I'm at the part right after I get the four stones at that upside down castle.

So, should I level up?

Flying Mullet
11-09-2006, 09:23 PM
Are you having trouble getting through the random encounters? If yes, then you should level up. If no, then you don't need to worry about leveling up.

11-09-2006, 09:31 PM
I guess I don't need to then.

11-09-2006, 10:16 PM
Yeah, you're fine. You probably don't need to do any additional levelling up till you're on disc 4, and even then you should be fine if you just want to beat the game. :)

11-09-2006, 10:54 PM
Only start levelling up when you start dying. If you do it before then, it makes the game more boring.

11-10-2006, 04:26 PM
Yeah, play the game yourself to find out if your levels are high enough. If you're having a lot of difficulties with random battles or if you keep losing to a boss, then you should level up. Otherwise, if you're fine, you don't really have to level up.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
11-10-2006, 06:39 PM
You don't need to be at level 99 to complete the game, the amount of exp and levels you've gained by the time you reach disk four should be sufficient for the finale. Most bosses won't have more than 50000 HP so you don't have much to worry about strengthwise. Just go frog catching and learn some abilities

11-12-2006, 11:06 AM
Lv 43 at that place? Hmm, you're doing pretty well then, no need to rush along then unless you just want the boss battles to be really short and no fun. 'Course, by the end of the game you'll wanna be at least in the mid or upper 50s, and 60s are optimal, so you should work toward that and not just run from every battle. Just dont get yourself sick of the game cuz of leveling so much, try some of the sidequests (the stellazio one is well worth it for all the stuff you get).

11-12-2006, 05:35 PM
Just dont get yourself sick of the game cuz of leveling so much, try some of the sidequests (the stellazio one is well worth it for all the stuff you get).

That's a good piece of advice. Another really fun side quest you should consider doing is the Chocobo quest. I mean, play Chocobo Hot & Cold, find the Chocographs, keep developing your Chocobo, visit the Chocobo's Paradise and eventually find the Chocobo Air Garden to face the special boss of the game. Another pretty funny side quest is the Mognet quest. :mog: Disc 4 can be beaten very quickly if you don't do any side quests, but why end the fun too quickly when you can do some extra stuff instead? :p

Darth Cid
11-12-2006, 06:02 PM
I agree, the sidequests are awesome.

11-13-2006, 12:14 AM
Originally Bespoken by Sephiroth1999AD:

Disc 4 can be beaten very quickly if you don't do any side quests, but why end the fun too quickly when you can do some extra stuff instead
Quite true, i found Disc 4 to be somewhat disappointing, it is pretty short and you dont really see much of any "oooh, wow!" stuff until you get toward the end. So dont be in a rush to beat the game, do some of the sidequests, gain some levels...oh and most importantly: learn LOTS of abilities that protect against bad statuses, you'll need them.

12-09-2006, 10:38 PM
I hate leveling up.......SO.......I cheat! I'm a bad FF player.......:eep: :cry: Wahhhhh! I just get so bored after a while.......:cry:

12-10-2006, 04:32 PM
I think you should be okay. My Zidane is at level 34, my vivi is at level 40, and my Freya Steiner and Dagger are all at about level 33. Eiko is at level 31 an I'm on disk four.

Disk four is very dissapointing unless you do some sidequests. I'm finding the Chocobo Hot and cold very addicting, and I jus found the last chocograph. I'm gonna finsh the mognet and stallazio sidequests, beat the secret boss in Chocobo's Air Garden, and finish collacting the cards, I'm gonna do a little bit of leveling up and beat the game.

Little Blue
12-10-2006, 06:13 PM
I only went to lvl 99 cos I wanted an easy win and to say "All of my characters are lvl 99 :p" but while training the fun did wear off pretty quick so the sidequests rocked. Much fun. You should be fine though if you keep going like I assume you have been.

My biggest disappointment in disk 4 was that all the fun places from the previous disks (Fossil Roo) were closed off and I couldn't go back to them...

12-10-2006, 11:08 PM
My biggest disappointment in disk 4 was that all the fun places from the previous disks (Fossil Roo) were closed off and I couldn't go back to them...

Rawrg, i hated that >_< I wanted to revisit Oilevert (or however its spelled) and Dali (nothing to do there, but i just like the town and the music it has). Disc 4 is kind of dull...most of what i found myself doing was lvling to learn all the abilities and collecting the stellazio.