View Full Version : PSU. Disappointed or glad with it?

11-11-2006, 12:21 AM
So, you like PSU? Or are you sadly disappointed? Sadly, I am disappointed, but I still play the game. I'm sure that some of the flaws of the game will be destroyed as updates arise.

For some of my disappointments, I don't like the new clothing, firstly. They stand out so much, that seeing them 10 times in a day on different people doesn't feel quite as natural as in PSO, even if there were gazillions of mini-mes in PSO. Also, a lot of the areas feel kinda like big, flat plains, like in PSO Episode 2's mountain area, but without the cool jungle feel. And the monster designs seem to have gone a bit far. They would have been great for an ultimate mode, but now they seem so far from the regular "natural" design of older enemies, and now they seriously look like big, evil, and especially pointy aliens.

For some of my likes, there's the additions to the battle system, such as Weapon Skills and the Lock-On feature. I love 'em. n_n The additions to the chat functions are also very nice, even if you can't make explicit images and spam them repeatedly. And while I don't like some of the areas, like Parum's equivalent of Forest 1, there are others like the Fanatics mission, which are purely awesome, even if I've played them over 50 times due to a lack of things to do. This must be what being a PSO Pioneer felt like back with DC V1! I came around when V2 came out! :mog:

So, what are your opinions on PSU?

11-11-2006, 03:30 AM
I love it and realize it's only the beginning. There is so much more to come. More missions, another planet, more weapons, advanced classes. I'm looking forward to all of it. As for the clothing, it means nothing to me. I don't care at all what other people wear. In fact all I have on is a pair of shorts, because the basic shorts look bad, but the other two things look fine. I'm not spending a penny on clothes, ever. While I agree about some areas, I expect a lot of good levels and missions when they expand the game. So I have high hopes for the future of the game. I just wish I knew more people to do stuff with, though right now I'm working on my Partner Machine, who just got over level 80.


Erdrick Holmes
11-11-2006, 04:24 PM
I love it mainly for the single player game, something I've waited years for. This is the best damned game I ever played.