View Full Version : Speaking of Epic Battles

11-12-2006, 07:14 PM
WM is going to HARM3 that Lich to death in about a week. That's no great big concern.

The big question is this:

Black Mage vs Warmech

On the one hand, a flood of 8-Bit fans will stand in alliance with Black Mage.

On the other hand, a lv. 50 BM in the game would still get eaten by the Warmech (Which, it must be mentioned, is a machine that doesn't even NEED to eat).
And, even aside from that, many FF1 fanatics despise the Black Mage because after 4 roxor shots of Fire2, his Large Dagger is dealing out a measely 1-6 damage.

But aside from prejudices, this is an epic match.

These two characters are the most feared in the game. If you cross their path, you can get NUKEd, for one thing. The Warmech can smash you to smithereens in one hit, abd the BM has such an arsenal of magics that he WILL find your weak point before you ever need to see his Large Dagger.

In the long and short, this is an interesting match for me, and I'm still not sure who I'm voting for.

What's your plan?

Note: This is, of course, referring to the Final Fantasy Classic Tournament, which is going on weekly or biweekly or monthly, or whatever.
If you don't know what it is, which I doubt you don't, check out the FF1 section on the EoFF main site.

11-12-2006, 07:22 PM
Besides the coolness factor, Black Mages suck, so yeah, WarMech is the victor. >_>

11-12-2006, 08:01 PM
The Black Mage isn't limited to attacking once he runs out of MP for his beefy spells. Isn't the BM able to equip (and use in battle) the Black Shirt or use an instant death item in battle, like the Bane Sword or something?

11-12-2006, 08:17 PM
Yes, but unfortunately WarMech is immune to instant death (at least, he better be).

11-12-2006, 08:23 PM
Many bosses in FF1 are not, like Tiamat. I almost always just use Bane on him, both times that I fight him. The hit rate is low, but I'll usually get one to land with a few turns, before Tiamat has decimated the party. Warmech could probably floor a BM in one turn, if he used the right move. Hell, even if he just attacked, the BM is probably dead right there.

11-12-2006, 08:26 PM
I thought Tiamat was just one exception. :confused: Well, I'm pretty sure that WarMech at least has immunity to that being the game's only true 'superboss' enemy.

11-12-2006, 08:42 PM
You probably are right, as you frequently tend to know more about FF games than I do. Though I do remember using BANE on other bosses.

But then again, FF1 has so many questionable bosses. Do the wizards in front of Astos' crown count as bosses? I've gotten into that fight against 2 wizards, and I've gone against 5, so the lack of a set enemy makes me lean away from calling them "bosses". Or what about that eye thing ToF? He's always waiting in the same spot, but he's easier than many of the enemies in ToF and doesn't have that "boss" quality.

Because FF1 didn't have boss music, it's hard to say if it's an actual "bossfight" when it comes to certain fights. Like Warmech. Does he count as a boss? I mean, he's pretty reclusive and is only found in one small spot in the whole game. Your encountering him is entirely random, unlike the Eye or the Wizards. However, in my opinion, Warmech is a tougher fight than Chaos.

I guess I'm saying if you're doing challenge game on FF1, don't be a stranger to the bane sword. It may be your White Mage's only chance of killing Tiamat.

11-12-2006, 09:03 PM
The Bane Sword is your only hope against Tiamat with Characters like a Solo WM. But it is hardly a life saving tool.

It's mostly effective when you level in ToF, hit a horde of Badmen, and would prefer to have your Ninja or RW cast Bane instead of swing for questionable damage.

Bane will ONLY work against Tiamat as far as bosses go, however.

If you want death magic, use XXXX. XXXX can probably kill Warmech on low chances. I have successfully used it to off ToF Kary, and it could probably do in Kraken too, if the chances are right.

As far as boss vs whatever, I assume that the other dudes are just guards or semi-bosses of sorts.
Because Wizards, Vampires, and Eyes can be found as random encounters, they're only superstrong as Semi-Bosses in that stage of the game.

In ToF, the fiends, who were bosses, are only Semi-Bosses.

The Warmech is an entity of it's own, I'd say.

Specifically, it's a 36000 XP enemy.

11-14-2006, 02:28 PM
Black Belt ftw

11-14-2006, 03:58 PM
Warmech is death immune...status immune for that matter. He can only be damaged.

Warmech "NUCLEAR" > BM "NUKE"

Zidane Ultimate
11-14-2006, 04:30 PM
Warmech by far.

11-15-2006, 03:47 AM
Warmech is death immune...status immune for that matter. He can only be damaged.

Warmech "NUCLEAR" > BM "NUKE"

Typically, even in a normal 4 healthy team fight, my Black Wizard doesn't survive a dose of Nuclear, so I have to try and off Warmech before he gets around to casting it. I usually have my Black Wizard use "FAST" on my Knight, and then my Master and if Warmech hasn't killed the Wizard by then, I just have him use Temper or something.

11-19-2006, 04:22 AM
Warmech is death immune...status immune for that matter. He can only be damaged.

Warmech "NUCLEAR" > BM "NUKE"

Typically, even in a normal 4 healthy team fight, my Black Wizard doesn't survive a dose of Nuclear, so I have to try and off Warmech before he gets around to casting it. I usually have my Black Wizard use "FAST" on my Knight, and then my Master and if Warmech hasn't killed the Wizard by then, I just have him use Temper or something.

That doesn't prove anything.


11-19-2006, 04:43 AM
Yes, but unfortunately WarMech is immune to instant death (at least, he better be).
Of course he is immune to death, he isn't even alive to begin with.

11-27-2006, 06:56 AM
How's it feel to watch all expectation and all logic fry like eggs in a frying pan over the earth's core.

I think the BM Madmen are outnumbering us, friends and foes.

Mr. Graves
12-01-2006, 01:30 AM
Warmech. D'oh.

The black mage
12-06-2006, 07:15 PM
Lets think about a fight between them, two outcomes one, Warmech attacks first two, the black mage. If Warmech attacked first his NUCLEAR attack would kill both combatants, Warmech would die via an EMP from the detonation. If the BM attacked first the Warmech would die for the same reason, BM would walk away.
No more questions:choc2:

Black Belt ftw
Black belt couldn't fill a form

12-10-2006, 03:40 PM
Warmech. D'oh.

vivi"s son#7
12-10-2006, 05:59 PM
black mage

12-11-2006, 09:29 AM
black mage

QFUT Quote For Ultimate Truth?

Anyhow, Next up is Thief vs. Chaos

I know that us precious few Thieforever's have seen Kraken slain by a Rune Sword and a lone non-class changed, blue haired soldier shatter the chaotic manifestation of Garland to put an end to the Time Loop, but, seriously, what are the real odds?

Thief or Chaos?

12-12-2006, 01:43 PM
Thief and Chaos are having a damn good fight here...