View Full Version : Best & Worst of Villains

Forsaken Lover
11-18-2006, 12:34 AM
Most Acomplished-
Which villain in the Final Fantasy series most accomplished his/her objective(s)?
Try and keep it to the main villains. Going off into barely important villains (like Scarlet or Maester Kinoc) will unnecessarily clutter this up.

Most Intelligent-
They demonstrated keen intellect in their schemes.

Most Powerful-
They showed trmenedous power and destructive force...they're basically the one person youwould say would win if all the FF villains fought.

Best Appearance-
They look mighty fine in their outfit...mighty fine. Whether that outfit is elegant, impressive or whatever, you "dig" it.

Best Motivation/Character-
Their depth and story really impressed upon you their reasoning and their feelings and helped you understand them better.


Least Accomplished-
They didn't do crap.

Least Intelligent-
Give thema dunce cap.

They wouldn't have a prayer of taking on and beating Little Red Riding Hood.

Worst Appearance-
Your eyes bleed simply from glancing at the screen whenever he/she/it is on.

Worst Motives/Character-
Where did they come from and why the hell are they evil?!! I don't get it! Translation: The story absolutely failed to inform you or correctly explain wy a villain is the way he/she/it is.


The Crystal
11-18-2006, 01:29 AM
Most Acomplished-

A tie between Kefka, Kuja, Sephiroth and Yu Yevon.
Kefka wanted to become the most powerfull being in the world, and destroy it. He absorbed the power of the statues and suceeded.
Sephiroth wanted to have controll over all the Lifestream, becoming a God. In AC he has his own version of Lifestream and has 100% controll over it(his dark Lifestream could even corrupt the pure Lifestream) meaning that he suceeded.
Kuja wanted to gain a power more great than Garland and kill him(becoming the ruler of both Gaia and Terra). He become Super Trance and killed Garland, so, he suceeded.
What i remember of Yu Yevon, he wanted to make Spira suffer. He created Sin and "created" the "spiral of death" that existed during 1000 years(was 1000 years, right?), so, he suceeded.

Most Intelligent-

Manipulated President Delling and the entire Galbadia army, became ruler of Galbadia, tried to destroy all her enemies with missiles(instead of being arrogant, and underestimate them), made her enemys(Gardens and Seeds) fight against each other, created a very smart plan to free Adel(Lunatic Pandora going to the Lunar's Point, Ultimecia/Rinoa freeing Adel, the Lunar Cry hapening and throwing Adel inside the LP. All of this hapening in the same time, with a perfect precision), and in the end, she needed time to complete the process of Time Compression(to be capable of absorbing time) and because of this, she made the monsters of her castle steal the abilitys of the heros, to make them waste their time fighting against them, while the Time Compression was hapening.
Ultimecia is the most intelligent.

Most Powerful-

They are so powerfull, i really don't know.

Best Appearance-

Black coat, long white hair, glowing green eyes, a giant sword. He is very badass.

Best Motivation/Character-

Was hated and persecuted in her future, only because of her powers(people feared her powers). Became ruler of the world(in her future) to not be destroyed by it(people of the world that hated her). Gained the knowledge that her destiny, would be death, in the hands of a legendary SeeD, and then, tried to make TC, to controll time, controll her destiny(and not be killed by it).
Ultimecia during all her life, was hated by everyone without any reason, and made TC because she didn't want to die in the hands of the legendary SeeD. She is just a victim of the ignorance of people.

Least Accomplished-

Don't know

Least Intelligent-

Yu Yevon.
He was just a parasite inside of Sin.


Yu Yevon
Without Sin, he is a joke.

Worst Appearance-

What the fu*c is that thing?!

Worst Motives/Character-

After gaining knowledge of the Lifestream, he already knew that he and Jenova were not Cetras. That means that his revenge against the humans(because they "stole" the planet from the Cetra), don't exist anymore. So, why he want to destroy the world and become a god? Answer: Because he is an arrogant power hungry.
This is not a good motive.
And talking about his character. The guy don't have any personality at all. He is just cold hearted, evil, arrogant, and.... nothing.

Firo Volondé
11-18-2006, 04:10 AM
Most Acomplished-
Kefka more or less became omnipotent, by controlling all magic in the world, at least unitl our heroes showed up.

Most Intelligent-
None all of them, cause they were all defeated in the end by a group of people who started out at Level 1.;)

Most Powerful-
I'd say Yu Yevon, because while the others were duking it out, Sin would just crush them all with his gravity attack. Plus his armor is unpenetrable.

Best Appearance-
Can't decide. I liked Shuyin's clothes though.

Best Motivation/Character-
Probably Kuja. His character I found to be quite deep.


Least Accomplished-
Zeromus. Just didn't seem to get anything done imo.

Least Intelligent-
Kefka. For all his power, he forgot to kill the heroes when they were weakened.


Worst Appearance-
Tie between Sin and Yu Yevon - I don't know what Yu Yevon was thinking, and Kuja - I'm sorry, but you should only dress like a woman if you are one. Enough said.

Worst Motives/Character-
Shuyin - He tried to destroy the world because his girlfriend got killed. Not a very good motive.

11-18-2006, 04:42 AM
Golbez for Best appearance

Wolf Kanno
11-18-2006, 07:51 AM
Which villain in the Final Fantasy series most accomplished his/her objective? X-Death, all he wanted was revenge against the Dawn warriors and to gain the power of the Void. He achieves both goals.

Most Intelligent- Kefka, a guy who starts off as cut throat, comical henchman and ends up figuring out the truth about the Statues, kills the emperor, who only wanted the power to achieve world domination, and becomes a god.

Most Powerful- In the beginning of their games, Kuja and Golbez cause they were pretty damn powerful to begin with. By the end of the game, Kefka and X-Death cause they were the only two to achieve god like status.

Best Appearance- Golbez, Sephiroth may have been best dressed, and Kefka did have the creepy factor with the harlequinn persona, but nothing says evil to me like obsidian black armor that just says "I'm here to kick your ass" He definetly had more of a "villianous aura" to him than the others.

Best Motivation/Character- Kuja had the best motivation until he snapped. He only wanted to be free.


Least Accomplished- Zemus/Zeromus, now granted, the main goal throughout the game was to unseal him but afterwards he was going to continue his plans of destroying humanity and getting revenge on the Lunarians. He basically woke up long enough to get killed and even when his hatred manifested into a pure entity. It got killed shortly afterwards. It's almost like having a fool proof plan of getting rich and then getting hit by a car the very same day.

Least Intelligent- Garland/Chaos, cause even though he knows he's destined to die, he can't figure out a way to break out of the eternal chain in his benefit. Besides, even knowing his fate, he chooses to die so he can gain power only to die again and start this whole nonsense all over again?

Weakest- Seymore, even when he's undead he's still a push over. For major villians I would say the Palamecian Emperor.

Worst Appearance- Ultemacia, put some clothes on! Her and Zemus, a purple sheet is for street beggars, not evil, alien sorcerors.

Worst Motives/Character- Necron, wrong place at the wrong time. For a more serious choice, the Palamecian Emperor. You can summon demons and control monsters and you only want world domination?

11-18-2006, 01:29 PM
best appearance: Sephi :love: :love: :love:

11-18-2006, 01:47 PM
Most Intelligent- Yu-Yevon. His plan let's him terrorize the world, but at the same time just do nothing and sit inside of Sin Twittling his thumbs(Octupus Arms actually). The rest had to at least risk exctended periods of time in the open.

Most Powerful- A tie between Kefka and Kuja. Kuja destroyed a whole world, giving him a godly status, and Kefka could probably destroy the entire world too. After that it doesn't really matter to us humans which one would destroy more worlds in the process.

Best Appearance- IMO Zeromus looked badass.

Best Motivation/Character- Kuja had the best motivation until he snapped. He only wanted to be free.

Most Acomplished- Kuja destroyed an entire world, left the four major civilations in ruin (Alexandria, Burmecia, Cleyra, and Lindblum) and killed thousands... So yeah Kuja.


Least Accomplished- Ultimecia. She did very little in comparision to all other villians. Sin terrorized for 1000 years, Kefka altered the world's landmass and killed many, Zemus destroyed nations using Golbez, Sephiroth set foreword a chain of events that would leave Midgar, the most powerful nation, in ruin, and Kuja's stuff was listed above.
Compared to all of that Ultimecia did nothing.

Worst Motives/Character- Did Shuyin have motivation? Oh boohoo my lover died, let me go terrorize the world in revenge!

Worst Appearence: Out of all villians ever Adel was damn ugly! Out of all many villians... Kefka's appearence took the longest to get used to.

Least Intelligent- Ultimecia, she should've killed Cid before he could form SeeD.

Twilight Edge
11-20-2006, 03:38 PM
Most Intelligent - Kuja. He effectively waged war on all the major civilizations on Gaia, and suceeded in it with only a trickle of blood(from bahamut's attack). Also, he wanted to kill Garland, but was no match for him, so he waited until Zidane and co. defeated him before sending Garland to his grave.

Most powerful - I say Kuja. He has the power to destroy a planet with one spell.

Best Appearance - Sephiroth. Everything about Sephy is long-ass, and long suits him. (long-ass cloak, long-ass body, long-ass silver hair and last but not least, long-ass sword)

Best Motivation/Character- Kuja had the best motivation until he snapped. He only wanted to be free.

Most accomplished - Kuja basically suceeded in doing everything he wanted to do. Wage war, achieve trance, kill Garland, destroy the Crystal etc.

Least Accomplished - Ultimecia. She did very little in comparision to all other villians. Sin terrorized for 1000 years, Kefka altered the world's landmass and killed many, Zemus destroyed nations using Golbez, Sephiroth set foreword a chain of events that would leave Midgar, the most powerful nation, in ruin, and Kuja's stuff was listed above.Compared to all of that Ultimecia did nothing.

Least Intelligent - Yu Yevon. I bet all he knows is 'Me summon more to finish me job, but, when? Oh what the hell, I'll summon for eternity!'

Worst Appearance - Ultimecia. For God's sake get rid of that crow wings and get something like Edea's or even Adel's back decoratives.

Worst Motives/Character - Shuyin. "You kill my girlfriend, I kill your puny little planet!"

11-21-2006, 01:10 PM
Most Accomplished-

Most Intelligent-

Most Powerful-
Neo Ex Death

Best Appearance-

Best Motivation/Character-


Least Accomplished-
Palmer :(

Least Intelligent-


Worst Appearance-
Kuja and Chaos!

Worst Motives/Character-
Seymour and I started to hate Kuja's motives.

11-21-2006, 02:13 PM
Most Acomplished-
Kuja because he basically destroyed a whole planet and almost everything.
Kefka because he became so powerful and almost destroyed everything.
Sin because he kept coming back.

Most Intelligent-
Kuja. He made a point when he started destroying everything, and knew that everything should be destroyed.

Most Powerful-
Kuja. Destroyed a whole planet.
Kefka. Had his own floating continent.
Sephiroth. Had the whole world at his knees with the meteor.
Sin. Could destroy anything and would always come back.

Best Appearance-
Kuja. He's such a bad ass

Best Motivation/Character-
Kuja had the most depth and reason for what he was doing.


Least Accomplished-
Shuyin. Never got to summon Vegnagun

Least Intelligent-
Shuyin. As much as I think he looks cool, he just wanted everyone to die because his girlfriend died.

All of them. Except Kuja, who discovered the wrong he had done in the end.

Worst Appearance-
Yu Yevon. You're pretty much just a bug.

Worst Motives/Character-
Shuyin - He tried to destroy the world because his girlfriend got killed. Not a very good motive.

11-21-2006, 06:00 PM
I'm just going to keep repeating this until someone listens. *is feeling like the creepy person screaming "THE WORLD WILL END TOMORROW" and then the world ends the next day and no one listened*

Kefka -did- succeed, We all have to realize that he DID destroy a good 85% of the planet, even after you kill kefka, the only kind of reconstruction the people on the planet could do is rebuilding buildings, but since the planet is already in shambles it'd take A VERY VERY VERY long time for the planet to actually repair itself. Even when Kefka dies Kefka still wins, He set out to have everyone suffer, just for fun and such, and when he dies, Everyone's still going to suffer, THERE'S OBSCENELY LARGE CRACKS RANDOMLY THOUGHOUT THE PLANET, That's slightly difficult to fix.

The FFVI world isn't the FFVII world were the planet goes "OMG YOU GUYS THERE'S A BIG HOLE! FIX IT FIX IT!!" This one just goes ".. Man.. Errosion just takes so long.."

*wanders off*

11-21-2006, 06:29 PM
Does nobody know the difference between Zemus and Zeromus? This makes me sad. :( :cat:


Most Accomplished-

Well...they all did alot of stuff. Chaos almost threw the world into chaos, the Emperor made the world a living hell, Xande summoned the Cloud of Darkness, Zemus tried wiping out all life on earth, X-Death almost sucked everything into the void, Kefka made the world a very unpleasant place to live in, Sephiroth almost got that Meteor to hit the planet, Ultima got revived, Ultimecia got everything Time-Compressed for the last two hours of gameplay, Kuja destroyed Terra and made the world all misty, and Sin wasn't too nice either.

So they all more or less almost accomplished their goals, so it's rather hard to decide on this.

Most Intelligent-
It would probably be the Lucavi from Final Fantasy Tactics. I don't know much about Vayne yet, but he may climb up the ladder soon.

Most Powerful-
Well, Kuja would win this one. He actually destroyed an entire planet. Even Kefka couldn't do that.

Best Appearance-

Obviously Zeromus. Can you argue with the blue spaghetti alien? :cat: :)

Best Motivation/Character-
It would have to be Sephiroth. I don't really care if he's overrated or whatever excuse there is to hate on him because you like Kefka better or something, I don't believe that degrades his quality of a villain or his backstory in the slightest.


Least Accomplished-

Like the most accomplished, this is also tough to decide. They all accomplished alot in thier goals.

Least Intelligent-

I'll insert the Dark King here so nobody forgets Mystic Quest.

I'm sorry, but the Emperor of Paramekia wasn't too much of a toughie. Now all those Death Knights before him, on the other hand... :/

Worst Appearance-

Jecht was icky. :( Even Yu Yevon looked better than him. :cat:

Worst Motives/Character-
Ultima. The horrible translation of FFT can probably be put to blame for this, or for Ramza's inability to read any faster than a snail so I can actually discover why the Germonik Scriptures were so important.

11-21-2006, 08:33 PM
Best Motivation/Character-
It would have to be Sephiroth. I don't really care if he's overrated or whatever excuse there is to hate on him because you like Kefka better or something, I don't believe that degrades his quality of a villain or his backstory in the slightest.

Hey, Even I can admit that Sephiroth actually had a reason for his being evil, Unlike Kefka who saw the fact if he could do it he would, costs thrown out. Sephiroth took the idea of "saving the holy land from the bad people" and made it "saving the holy land from being tarnished by attempting to destroy existance"

Nothing wrong with skewed values. Criminals are bad, we put them in jail, Versus, Criminals are bad let's kill them all off, even the one's that throw paper on the ground in the park, GO GOOD!

Forsaken Lover
11-21-2006, 11:10 PM
I quote myself.


Motives- The key to any true good villain is their motivation. Why are they evil? Sephiroth was a noble soldier and war hero, admired by young men. One day, he goes on a mission and reads some books in a secret government laboratory.

Sephiroth: (reading a book) …an organism that was apparently dead, was found in 2000 year old geological stratum. Professor Gast named that organism, Jenova… Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova confirmed to be an Ancient …X Year, X Month, X
Day. Jenova Project approved. The use of Mako Reactor I approved for use… My other's name is Jenova… Jenova Project… Is this just a coincidence? Professor Ga st… Why didn't you tell me anything? …Why did you die?

Short time later...

Sephiroth: Don't you get it? An Ancient named Jenova was found in the geological stratum of 2000 years ago. The Jenova Project. The Jenova Project
wanted to produce people with the powers of the Ancients……no, the Cetra! …I am the one that was produced.

From the lies told him and his own bizarre logic, Sephiroth deduced he was “created” and a test-tube baby. This conveniently severed any ties he had with humanity which he seems to have also fabricated a story for.

Sephiroth: Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is in these reports.

So, Sephiroth’s motives are a righteous hate for humanity. To avenge his “ancestors” and mother, he must kill and “take back” the Planet from humans. He then proceeds to perform his infamous rampage in Nibelheim.

But, isn’t this knowledge invalid? He wasn’t created. He wasn’t a Cetra. The “mother” of his was the real thing that wiped out the Cetra. This is fact. Yet, Sephiroth...

Sephiroth: ...Ah, but I have. I'm far superior to the Ancients. I became a traveler of the Lifestream and gained the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients.

That is Sephiroth at the Temple of the Ancients. Examine these quotes well. He has gained the knowledge of the Ancients which would include his righteous hate for humanity being non-existent. Thus, his motivation and reasons for going evil are moot.

His motives, in short, are just to be a god. Nothing behind it. IJust plotholes like all of his and FFVII.

Motives- Kuja was born a Genome, a specially-designed creature named for a seed used to create them. He was defective, however, and was planned to be disposed of after he had served his purpose of being a placeholder Angel of Death.

Garland: His ambition was unbecoming of a Genome, but it was perfect for the mission I gave him. To bring war and chaos to Gaia...

And so, Kuja’s desires and lust born from his own ideas and egoism were not in accordance with the mission Genomes should hold dear. However, this destructive nature was perfect for Garland.

Factor in Zidane's existence also threatening his narcissism and how destroying Gaia would signify his superiority over his "superior" as well as defeating Garland and ruling the world proving that the meaning of his existence wrong and you have a character 100x more deep than Sephiroth.

The Crystal
11-22-2006, 12:58 AM
About Sephiroth's motives, if you(the person reading this) think that he have good motives, is because you didn't understand the story of the game. So, please, read what Forsaken Lover writed in the post above mine.

Sephiroth's motive is like his personality. It doesn't exist.

Wolf Kanno
11-22-2006, 06:57 AM
My reasoning's for not inclusion is not because he didn't have a motive. As stated above, his motive was a twisted revenge against humanity but in reality his true motive eventually became fulfilling his "mother's" will. Jenova was a planet parasite (I'm going to ignore that this is a complete ripoff of Lavos from CT ahem...) Sephiroth was going to basically fulfill what Jenova couldn't since Jenova is a hollow fragment of her former self by the time of FFVII. It's not a bad premise it's just that ultimately Sephiroth is just another pawn. He thinks he's doing it for himself but he's only really fulfilling Jenova's basic nature. This kinda've makes him something to be pitied in my eyes.

Kefka was just a narrcissistic(sp?) sociopath when it comes down to it. Sure there's the little backstory about the failed magitech knight experiment but we never really got to see Kefka before that. For all we know, he was an arrogant jackass to begin with; and the experiment just finally pushed him over the edge.

Kuja is very similiar to Kefka but we at least get to hear more about his back story and it comes off more convincingly.

The Crystal
11-22-2006, 03:04 PM
My reasoning's for not inclusion is not because he didn't have a motive. As stated above, his motive was a twisted revenge against humanity but in reality his true motive eventually became fulfilling his "mother's" will. Jenova was a planet parasite (I'm going to ignore that this is a complete ripoff of Lavos from CT ahem...) Sephiroth was going to basically fulfill what Jenova couldn't since Jenova is a hollow fragment of her former self by the time of FFVII. It's not a bad premise it's just that ultimately Sephiroth is just another pawn. He thinks he's doing it for himself but he's only really fulfilling Jenova's basic nature. This kinda've makes him something to be pitied in my eyes.

Jenova's basic nature was to destroy worlds, not to absorb the Lifestream of it and become a god. Sephiroth was fulfilling his own objective, and he was using Jenova as a pawn(like the Ultimania said). Sephiroth was doing it for himself. But the problem is that he is doing it, just because he is an arrogant power hungry. And this is not a good motive.

Forsaken Lover
11-22-2006, 06:55 PM
My thesis will always make more sense than the UOG... It's really stupid they made it to begin with. No other game has had all the mystery totally sucked out of it.

11-22-2006, 09:08 PM
Most Acomplished- Kefka or Kuja. Kuja did many things such as draining the Eidolons from Dagger, Manipulated Queen Brahne and used her resources to wage war in many nations and he backstabs her in the end. He also managed to destroy Terra and kill the FF9 party. (Though he most likely put all his energy into one final attack for that)

Kefka used Gestahl's Imperial Army, much like Kuja using the Alexandria army to wage war and destroy towns. He also backstabs Gestahl and takes control of the statues and he uses them to alter the world's landmass and terrorize people from his tower.

Most Intelligent- Once again, Kefka or Kuja. The both manipulated someone of higher power (Emporer Gestahl, Queen Brahne) to get what they want, then killed them. They both waited patiently and bided their time with someone more powerful then them, then waited when the time was right to backstab them.

Most Powerful- This is really hard to determine. Judging by hardest to beat, Zeromus, judgeing by attacks, Sephy because he could destroy the Solar System. But I will judge based on events that happened in the storylines. I would once again say Kefka/Kuja destroyed a planet ('nuff said) and Kefka had the power of the statues. According to FFVI, the statues have the power of all magic in the world and possibly in the universe of FFVI (Except for the Espers, but that's probably because their powers are seperate from the statues.) Also, in the end when Kefka was destroyed, all magic was gone. I mean as in there's no more magic in existence.

Best Appearance- Sephy, which is most likely why many people like him so much.

Best Motivation/Character- Sephy did have a good reason for doing what he did instead of just for Power/Supremacy/Revenge like most villains. Well, ok, in the end he did want to absorb the power of Lifestream, but the reason he went evil was because he found out he wasn't human.


Least Accomplished- Shuyin. I mean, his anger did cause the Aeons to go evil in X-2, and he did kill the Crimson Squad in the Den of Woe by turning them insane, but other than that, nothing.

Least Intelligent- Shuyin, I don't really see how he was smarter than other FF villains.

Weakest- Ultimecia. She wasn't really powerful, it was just that nobody could attack her at first because she was in the future. Then, in her castle, she had to use her servants to seal your powers. Even though she was 'absorbing the universe,' I fail to see why she would be more powerful than other FF villains.

Worst Appearance- Kuja wore a thong, Kefka was a clown, Ultimecia was just...ew. Sin was a giant fishlike thing and Yu Yevon was a midget octopus.

Worst Motives/Character- Well, Shuyin. His motive was even worse than the normal Power/Supremacy/ Revenge motive.

But for Character...Ultimecia. I mean you never really got to see what kind of person she was like, and she never really talked until the end of the game and tALkeD wEIrD as well.

Overall best IMO: Kefka (with Kuja as a VERY close second)
Worst Overall: Ultimecia

11-22-2006, 11:12 PM
Most Acomplished-
Kefka did manage to become a god.

Most Intelligent-
Kuja, the manipulative bastard.

Most Powerful-
Now that's a tricky one. For mass destruction prior to obtaining some external source of power, the Emperor of Palamecia. (I'm going on storyline, not gameplay) Overall, Kuja. C'mon, he destroyed a friggin' planet.

Best Appearance-
Trance Kuja

Best Motivation/Character-
Kuja. I can really identify with his character.


Least Accomplished-
Borgen, FFII. If it has to be a major one, Zemus, FFIV.

Least Intelligent-
Ultimecia. Screwing with time never works.

From what I've seen and heard, Sin was suprisingly pathetic.

Worst Appearance-
Bhrane *shudders*

Worst Motives/Character-
Sephiroth. Wimpy emo mamma's boy. Chaos and the Emperor are close seconds, but that's mostly due to when the games came out.