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View Full Version : Versus Trailer released

12-08-2006, 04:38 AM
you have to be a member to view it on SE 's jp site.

direct link if you're already a member:http://www.square-enix.com/jp/members/special/ffv13_01/member_movie.cgi

member frontpage:http://member.square-enix.com/jp/pc/cgi-bin/top_entrance.cgi
register. it's worth it. just ask me if you don't know how to register.

EDIT: i uploaded the video on youtube. Hope they don't delete it.

12-08-2006, 07:02 AM
Well certainly looks cool and has an interesting setting. Hopefully they won't bugger up the game mechanics in this one as they seem to be doing in the other FFXIII. But this one looks like it might have potential.

12-08-2006, 08:23 AM
Thank's for the links, I've been waiting a while to see this.

12-08-2006, 09:05 AM
The trailer is basically an animated version of the screenshots we've had for months with a poorly translated Shakespeare quote in the mix. Exciting.

12-08-2006, 10:29 PM
What the heck is that??? looks like another version of ffxii storyline when rabanastre is trying to stop invading countries, but this time is a world trying to stop other worlds from conquering it... the person looks like a dumb emo kid... big dissappointment.

12-08-2006, 10:33 PM
get over it! nomura makes almost every main character emo except for tidus and sora. At least they decided to release this.

12-09-2006, 01:46 AM
What the heck is that??? looks like another version of ffxii storyline when rabanastre is trying to stop invading countries, but this time is a world trying to stop other worlds from conquering it... the person looks like a dumb emo kid... big dissappointment.

Yes, Nomura sucks, Amano is awesome. It's all getting very old by now.

12-09-2006, 01:51 AM
Well, any mention of the word 'Crystal' in capital letters is very neat, but unfortunately my computer isn't allowing YouTube videos to fully load right now. But I guess it looks nice.

12-09-2006, 03:02 AM
I like it. After Tidus and Vaan, this dude actually looks like someone I will enjoy playing as.

12-09-2006, 06:22 AM
Oh my, not much new but it was neat to watch. I'm very excited for this game. I loved both Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children so I'm really looking forward to it. And yes I love Nomura, too. There, I said it. I love Nomura. Now you can all rape my trachea because I am a fan of him.

12-09-2006, 08:58 AM
I love the background music in that.

12-09-2006, 12:02 PM
I thought it was great.

Did you see how that guy's eyes turned red at the end?

Moon Rabbits
12-10-2006, 07:42 AM
I thought it was great.

Did you see how that guy's eyes turned red at the end?

Well, I can see Nomura's head inflating everytime a fanboy mentions his "badass" idea about the characters eyes changing red when he fights.

12-10-2006, 12:49 PM
And yes I love Nomura, too. There, I said it. I love Nomura. Now you can all rape my trachea because I am a fan of him.
You're not alone.

12-10-2006, 12:59 PM
Well, I can see Nomura's head inflating everytime a fanboy mentions his "badass" idea about the characters eyes changing red when he fights.

You might as well criticise everything he does then. Personally, I think its an interesting addition if it has some significance in the story.

Also, does anyone understand what the song means. Im pretty sure its in Latin. A translation?

Moon Rabbits
12-10-2006, 04:10 PM
Well, it is Latin I think. Although the only words I made out were "quam" and "ingens" (I'm not sure if it was actually ingens though).

ingens means huge, big, grand, etc.
quam means how? or than how?, it can be used other ways but I don't really know how I could translate it in an understandable way.

12-10-2006, 04:50 PM
I thought I heard

numquam: never
liberi: children
ingens: huge
possi: be able to / to own
oram: speak
vidivit: saw - probable 'vir dividit' (see below)

Amandamque: And sent away (Im quite confident with that translation) - thats the high note she sings.

I searched for parchiunt and got 'they see'
I found that 'Parca' also means 'Goddess of fate.'
I also heard something like 'neqspert' or 'nexspert' - which could stem from 'death' or 'bad'.

At the end, I couldnt hear the words easily, but I got 'escendi' - which means something like 'goes up' or possibly 'hostile'.

But I dont profess to be very good at Latin, and this is all speculative translation from me.

Edit: Instead of 'vidivit', I think it could be 'vir dividit' which means a 'torn/divided' or 'troubled' man.

12-10-2006, 05:48 PM
The thing is, however, the game seems overall much darker than the other FFs with emo main characters. I do believe a King retains the right to be emo when another country invades too.

12-10-2006, 06:38 PM
For the line with the high note, I got an unreliable translation of:

'A troubled man prophecies tragedy and is sent away.'

From the words.
vir dividit traged? oram amandamque.

12-10-2006, 06:55 PM
There is nothing wrong with Nomura! Hes great. Sure, a change would be nice, but some of my favourite characters are from Nomura.

On a different note, I thought the setting was cool and so was the music, but I still have no idea what this game is supposed to play like.

12-10-2006, 11:16 PM
That was amazing.

I will obtain a PS3 as soon as this game comes out. (Which will proboably be awhile.)

12-11-2006, 11:39 AM
<3 <3 <3 <4

12-12-2006, 01:31 PM
I like it. After Tidus and Vaan, this dude actually looks like someone I will enjoy playing as.

Totaly agree on that one.

I am looking forward to this aswell, because although I enjoyed the actual game play of Kingdom Hearts I couldn't actualy stand Donald and Goofy enough to actualy get into and enjoy the game.

Moon Rabbits
12-16-2006, 03:38 AM
For the line with the high note, I got an unreliable translation of:

'A troubled man prophecies tragedy and is sent away.'

From the words.
vir dividit traged? oram amandamque.

I don't know about that translation. The grammar seems all messed up to me, and the vocabulary is wierd.

vir: man

dividit: I'm not quite sure, because I don't know this verb, but it looks similar to the word for "prediction" (divinatio).

oram: I spoke.

If the "ora" is the stem and 'm' is the personal ending, then it would be 'I' spoke, and that doesn't fit in.

If "dividit" is "vidivit", then it means "s/he/it saw".

Where are you getting the translations?

12-16-2006, 06:14 AM
Greeeeat, looks like its going to take place in new york -__-

They've brought a crystal back, but i cant see how they're going to mix elements of a crystal with a completely modernized world. And the guy looks like a clone of Cloud.

Still...it does look promising. I like how it looks so frigging dark, it kinda reminds me of the nobodies world in KH2. But i frigging HATE that song >_<

12-16-2006, 06:49 AM


I don't think I see it.

12-16-2006, 06:56 AM
Uh...i was kinda thinking more of the Advent Children Cloud rather than block Cloud...the new guy's outfit even looks kinda similar to AC Cloud's. At least to me anyway *shrug*

I wanna know what this new guy's motor sword can do though...maybe it can vibrate at high speeds and act as a chainsaw? xD

12-16-2006, 02:08 PM
I don't know about that translation. The grammar seems all messed up to me, and the vocabulary is wierd.

vir: man

dividit: I'm not quite sure, because I don't know this verb, but it looks similar to the word for "prediction" (divinatio).

oram: I spoke.

If the "ora" is the stem and 'm' is the personal ending, then it would be 'I' spoke, and that doesn't fit in.

If "dividit" is "vidivit", then it means "s/he/it saw".

Where are you getting the translations?

Im translating with my basic Latin knowledge in a liberal way.
This is how I did it.

vir: man
dividit: divided (divido) or 'troubled'.(dividia) or could well be 'prophecy'(divino)
oram: 'speaks' or 'prophecies' - again, as you said, it doesnt satifyingly agree, but ...whatever.


amandamque - I think is 'and sent away' - in the accusative. So he is sent away by someone. (amando)
However, it could possibly mean 'love' - another confusion. But I dont think so.

After careful listening, I am pretty sure I hear: 'om?? vir dividit tragoedia oram amandamque.'

And so I got somethin like;

'A troubled man prophecies tragedy and is sent away.'

or 'A man divided speaks? of tragedy and is sent away.'

Any help in translating is appreciated. I should really get someone whos excellent at Latin to help.

Moon Rabbits
12-17-2006, 05:50 AM
'om?? vir dividit tragoedia oram amandamque.'

I'm not familiar with amandamque, but if it's accusative wouldn't it be the direct object (and not be at the end, since Latin word order is S>O>V)?

The very strange grammar of the sentence aside, what I got is:

A man is divided, he speaks of tragedy and is sent away.

Or: A man predicts tragedy and is sent away. (But then 'oram' is not translated, perhaps is used for emphasis).

Bleh, it's useless unless I have the actual lyrics. For now all I can do is guess at the strange grammar.

12-19-2006, 06:52 PM
^^Ye, my grammars crap. You're right of course.

I tried to get vaguely Latin sounding words for the first part.

tellus dormint et liberi ingens farciunt numquam extiint. Nec spertishi possi. Om vir dividit tragoedia oram amandamque.

I couldnt get the second part.

tellus: country/world
liberi: children
ingens: huge
farciunt: (farcio) stuff full or (facio) to do/ make
numquam: never
extiint: (Im not sure) possibly strange
spertishi: hope for (spero)
possi: be able

Again these are just attempts.
Ill look at it again later.

12-19-2006, 10:39 PM
This is it so far. (gramatically unsound)

A world sleeps and children make groans that are never diminshed. Nor can they hope.
A man is divided, he speaks of tragedy and is sent away.

alternately, 'world' could be replaced with 'country' or 'place'

tellus dormint et liberi ingem farciunt numquam extiint. Nec spertishi possi.
Homme vir dividit tragoedia oram amandamque.

new vocab is,

ingemo: groan
extenuo: diminish

12-20-2006, 11:36 PM
I think he reminds me of the Grammaton Clerics from Equilibrium. But thats just me. I love Nomura and his "emo" characters. People cry about it all they want, but he's not leaving, and this makes me happy. After the disappointment that was XII, more power to all things XIII!!!!!

12-23-2006, 04:29 PM
I knew it would be bad but damn...I never thought it would be this bad. Talk about poor overall design of EVERYTHING.

12-24-2006, 02:45 AM
I like it. After Tidus and Vaan, this dude actually looks like someone I will enjoy playing as.

amen to that, im sick of these main characters who look like girls, it stared with 9, yech, 10 was ok, but tidus is still a bit iffy, but hes cool, vaan is just sickeningly girl-like, so this guy looks awesome to me :D