View Full Version : Best Ever

12-08-2006, 08:24 PM
Ok, I beat this game ages ago (over two years ago) and I have never shared my feelings on this game with anyone, except a few people that have also beaten this game. But since I recently restarted the game, I just have to tell you my opinions.

Let me start off by saying that this is the Final Fantasy that should have brought fame to the name. Final Fantasy X.... SUCKED. I am sorry, but it just did. Seven, not bad, but still not perfect. Until IX the closest to perfect was probably V. IX was HUGELY underappreciated.

This is partly because of the fact that it was a PS1 game. BAD CHOICE, SQARE ENIX. Ok, for anyone who can get past that, you people are the true Final Fantasy fans, not the phony players that wont even give IV, V or VI a chance because of the graphics.

Despite this, the graphics are among some of my favorite in Final Fantasy games. Kiddish, deformed and slightly frightening, yes. Bad? No. The characters move with alot more ease than they do in X, where Tidus runs like he has a Blitzball shoved up his ass. Face pictures are admittedly not as good as VII or VIII but a hell of a lot better than IV or VI.

Music is simply the best ever made. Even my least favorite scores (such as Jesters of the Moon) are awesome. Beautiful. Breathtaking. X's music is nothing speacial, except for Otherworld and To Zanarkand.

Characters. I love this game's characters. If there is a single person in this forums who doesnt like Vivi, or Garnet, or Quina, or any other character in this game, then the world is a far more terrible place then we could ever imagine. Each character has a distinct personality. With Stiener's overwhelming sense of duty, to Zidane's playful perverted innocence, to Freja's dark, more serious personality, this game has it all.

Plot. Wow. This game isnt the most in-depth (such as maybe VII or X) but still good. And it has one other thing that no other FF has ever been able to mimic.


I mean Jesus. Their love meshes perfectly with the rest of the plot. Are either of them perfect for each other? No. Does it feel real? Yes!

The game rocks out loud. Forty hours of gameplay, plus a hell of a lot of mini-games and sidequests, this is the game I would recomend to anyone who has never played an RPG. One of the only drawbacks (that I personally did not mind) was the significantly slowed-down active time battles.

Anyway. This is my view. Thanks for your time.

12-09-2006, 12:54 AM
completly agree with you there, maybe not quite the best ever but severly underated
X was just a bit more popular becuase it was the first to come out on ps2 and it attracted a lot of new gamers
IX is just way to ignored

12-09-2006, 01:25 AM
IX is under appreciated because it brings back themes of the Originals. (FFI-VI) In this game, people would find it very hard to get 9,999 HP unlike FFVII-X, where all you had to do was equip Materia, Junctions, and go through tons of HP nodes. Again, in FFIX, it is very hard, and quite possibly impossible to get 9,999 HP. (I saw a picture of everyone's stats at lvl 99, none of them were 9,999?)

Another theme it brings back is being able to use four characters in battle instead of three. Though you did have more party members, the battles weren't too easy where all you had to do was just mash "Attack" like in, say FFVII.

Also, the final boss of the game, Necron, speaks of words much similar to that of a villain in another FF. The Iifa Tree is also a connection to a past FF villain as well; Grand Cross is a a connection to that same villain.

Yes, the most likely reason for it being under appreciated is because it has a different theme than the two previous ones before it VII and VIII. They had more of a "futuristic" theme than FFIX. Many people probably just weren't used to playing FFIX because it was different to them and much like Originals.

In my opinion, IX is the best of Second Generation FF's and X is the second best of them.

12-09-2006, 01:27 PM
Final Fantasy IX isn't my favorite FF, but it's still very close. It's the 2nd best FF for me, actually. :) The game still has some features that I think are better done than in any other FF. For example, I think FFIX has some of the best character development I've seen in an FF, the storyline may not be the best but it's deep and thoughtful, the game has my favorite FF ending, and I think FFIX has the best music in the series.

Not to mention I like the old-school style battle system of not having a party of overpowered carbon copies who can do 99,999 damage with every hit and whose only difference is their character graphics. The tribute parts to other, older FFs were also a welcome addition. :)

12-10-2006, 09:42 PM
FF9 is my second favorite game (Behind FF7....'cmon.....Sephiroth is seriously awesome)....but what really peeves me is....KUJA!:kaodizzy:

....He dresses like a girl and not like FF7's 'Cloud crossdresses to save friend from whatever'....It's just gross.....:sweat:

They dont have too many other faults.....ITS PERFECT!!!! :smash:

Zidane is a great main character! I like Vivi!So....besides the small 'Kuja a guy who crossdresses....YUCK!' thing....It's my second favorite...but OH SO close!!!:love:

12-10-2006, 11:24 PM
FFX was like Resident Evil 4: they both brought in a ton of new fans who looked at the older games and said "eww, icky graphics." For PS1, the IX graphics were pretty good, especially those gorgeous AMVs. The only thing i couldnt stand would be when they mixed ugly in-game graphics with FMV graphics, such as when Zidane is running through the Iifa tree to find Kuja. I dont know why Square did that >_<

FF9 is my second favorite game (Behind FF7....'cmon.....Sephiroth is seriously awesome)....but what really peeves me is....KUJA!:kaodizzy:

....He dresses like a girl and not like FF7's 'Cloud crossdresses to save friend from whatever'....It's just gross.....:sweat:

They dont have too many other faults.....ITS PERFECT!!!! :smash:

Zidane is a great main character! I like Vivi!So....besides the small 'Kuja a guy who crossdresses....YUCK!' thing....It's my second favorite...but OH SO close!!!:love:

"liek omg, kuja is a feminine tranny!" Sorry, not every guy can be hulking mass of muscle. Some guys body types and facial features just arent as masculine as others. I dont think a wife beater and gym shorts would have been a good look for kuja, so he went with was looked good on him. Besides, he's not exactly wearing a bra or a full dress, nor does he talk gay. He's a stuck up aristrocrat wearing stuck up fancy aristocrat clothing. He's saying to the world "my body is better than yours" by wearing those things.

Vivi is the coolest little dude ever ^_^ I just love seeing a little harmless-looking guy oblitering all the enemies on the field with a couple Doomsday attacks.

12-11-2006, 01:30 AM
It is a odd game for me because there are some parts that I find sad and beautiful, while other things tend to drag and seem to be overly complicated. The storyline is very much a highpoint, though there were some characters that I found shrill. Also, a many of the sidequests were boring to me.

It is a pretty good game, but not the best Final Fantasy, there are too many uneven moments for it to be called the greatest, my :twocents:.

12-11-2006, 01:47 AM
It is a odd game for me because there are some parts that I find sad and beautiful, while other things tend to drag and seem to be overly complicated. The storyline is very much a highpoint, though there were some characters that I found shrill. Also, a many of the sidequests were boring to me.

It is a pretty good game, but not the best Final Fantasy, there are too many uneven moments for it to be called the greatest, my :twocents:.

Overly complicated? How so? I thought everything was fairly easy to grasp in this game, unlike VII or X. I do agree that it can drag though, but that was only in disc 4.

And "shrill" characters meaning...annoying as hell? Cuz thats what eiko was.

12-11-2006, 02:30 AM
Eiko may have been annoying, but she was a better White Mage than Dagger.

Did anyone else feel a little gypped that you couldn't shift your lead character out so you could run around the world as someone OTHER than Zidane?

And... those are my only two complaints with the game.

While I can't speak as highly of the game (I feel it's kinda' a 3 way tie, Tactics and XII being the other contenders) Vivi and Freya are my favorite FF characters ever. One of the reasons I like FFXII so much is because they brought the Mist back from FFIX! The Mist was a really cool idea, and it made me happy beyond belief to see that they hadn't abandoned it.

Plus, the game brought tears of sadness and joy to me as I would play it.

I'm an FF fan as far back as FFV. I couldn't get into FFIV... sorry, the game doesn't black mail me into doing something I would never do-that's just NOT how it works. FFVI was the first one I ever played, and was my favorite FF before I played FFIX, which says something. We irrationally favor our 'first' experience with something over new iterations of that experience. This game overcame both the irrational part of my attachment to FFVI and the rational part of it.

12-11-2006, 05:11 PM
And "shrill" characters meaning...annoying as hell? Cuz thats what eiko was.


Overly complicated? How so? I thought everything was fairly easy to grasp in this game, unlike VII or X. I do agree that it can drag though, but that was only in disc 4.

I guess I felt like that most of the sidequests (especially the chocobo thing) was more work than I was willing to put into it.

12-11-2006, 08:23 PM
I guess I felt like that most of the sidequests (especially the chocobo thing) was more work than I was willing to put into it.

Agreed. Not to say they're not good sidequests....i'm just lazy. For my last file I did have a map printed out of all the chocograph locations, but then i lost it and gave up. But the chocograph sidequest is certainly better than that damn "catch two chocobos and make them have sex, hope you get the right one" sidequest in VII.

Heero Yuy NWZC
12-12-2006, 05:15 PM
Ok, I beat this game ages ago (over two years ago) and I have never shared my feelings on this game with anyone, except a few people that have also beaten this game. But since I recently restarted the game, I just have to tell you my opinions.

Let me start off by saying that this is the Final Fantasy that should have brought fame to the name. Final Fantasy X.... SUCKED. I am sorry, but it just did. Seven, not bad, but still not perfect. Until IX the closest to perfect was probably V. IX was HUGELY underappreciated.

This is partly because of the fact that it was a PS1 game. BAD CHOICE, SQARE ENIX. Ok, for anyone who can get past that, you people are the true Final Fantasy fans, not the phony players that wont even give IV, V or VI a chance because of the graphics.

Despite this, the graphics are among some of my favorite in Final Fantasy games. Kiddish, deformed and slightly frightening, yes. Bad? No. The characters move with alot more ease than they do in X, where Tidus runs like he has a Blitzball shoved up his ass. Face pictures are admittedly not as good as VII or VIII but a hell of a lot better than IV or VI.

Music is simply the best ever made. Even my least favorite scores (such as Jesters of the Moon) are awesome. Beautiful. Breathtaking. X's music is nothing speacial, except for Otherworld and To Zanarkand.

Characters. I love this game's characters. If there is a single person in this forums who doesnt like Vivi, or Garnet, or Quina, or any other character in this game, then the world is a far more terrible place then we could ever imagine. Each character has a distinct personality. With Stiener's overwhelming sense of duty, to Zidane's playful perverted innocence, to Freja's dark, more serious personality, this game has it all.

Plot. Wow. This game isnt the most in-depth (such as maybe VII or X) but still good. And it has one other thing that no other FF has ever been able to mimic.


I mean Jesus. Their love meshes perfectly with the rest of the plot. Are either of them perfect for each other? No. Does it feel real? Yes!

The game rocks out loud. Forty hours of gameplay, plus a hell of a lot of mini-games and sidequests, this is the game I would recomend to anyone who has never played an RPG. One of the only drawbacks (that I personally did not mind) was the significantly slowed-down active time battles.

Anyway. This is my view. Thanks for your time.

Amen brother, amen.

12-12-2006, 07:27 PM
I remember making a likewise topic when I first beat IX and my entire rant was called "Better than the president's speech." and I got several rewards from otehr members. Lol.

Anyway, I agree IX is underappreciated and by far the best, but I disagree with X SUCKED! I haven't played it, but no game sucks, that's a fact. It's just you who doesn't like it. ;) That's all, really.

I don't need to rant again. It's simply this: Pure quality gets overlooked and overrun by hype, and that's what happened to IX, alas. But for those who played teh game and understood it for what it was, it's the journey of lifetime, so to speak. I hate every reviewing site that gives IX around a 8,5 while VII and VIII get 9.5 or even 10. *Sigh* IX deserves what it's numbered: a nine, at the very least. Oh well, as long as I enjoy the game, and I know others do, too, I'm happy.

12-12-2006, 10:56 PM
I remember making a likewise topic when I first beat IX and my entire rant was called "Better than the president's speech." and I got several rewards from otehr members. Lol.

Anyway, I agree IX is underappreciated and by far the best, but I disagree with X SUCKED! I haven't played it, but no game sucks, that's a fact. It's just you who doesn't like it. ;) That's all, really.

I don't need to rant again. It's simply this: Pure quality gets overlooked and overrun by hype, and that's what happened to IX, alas. But for those who played teh game and understood it for what it was, it's the journey of lifetime, so to speak. I hate every reviewing site that gives IX around a 8,5 while VII and VIII get 9.5 or even 10. *Sigh* IX deserves what it's numbered: a nine, at the very least. Oh well, as long as I enjoy the game, and I know others do, too, I'm happy.

X-2 sucked <.<

I really dont understand why sites review it lower than other FFs though (actually on IGN it did do better than VIII, but barely). The game is a quality piece of work. The game system, such as abilities and whatnot, is certainly easier than VIII (and in my copy of VII materia had a tendancy to not work even when it should have).

It returned to fantasy instead of being so sci-fi. Nothing wrong with sci-fi, but in a game called Final Fantasy, it needs to be fantasy and let the sci-fi be left to xenogears.

The character development is outstanding. Of course zidane goes through alot of changes, and even the two times he turns emo, it's actually justified and somehow he manages to pull himself together. Garnet has the little coming of age thing, although its a bit more brutal than most people would experience. Steiner goes from being an arrogant stubborn fool to a loyal, more understanding companion (many thanks owed to "master vivi"). And vivi is the strongest little kid i've ever seen. I mean the kid finds out he was manufactured and he still goes on living.

And the chocograph sidequest is a much more enjoyable experience than making two chocobos screw each other and hope they produce the right type of inbred.

12-13-2006, 01:17 AM
I think FFIX gets underrated because it doesn't really tap into a primal themes like other FF's do. Zidane goes on a journey, but it is not the same as Cecil or Cloud, so when you break away from that traditional mold, you are going to lose something with the masses. It is also going to lose something in translation generally, because those primal themes are so strong, and FFIX is all about tweaking archetypes, so everything seems kind of strange because so much of how the characters develop is not what you would expect.

For me, that is the main reason why FFIX doesn't get the same kind of love as FFVII, IV, or X.

12-14-2006, 09:08 PM
ffix is the highest rated final fantasy game on playstation so don't say its underrated. average of 94/100 from game review sites and magazines. and no ffx did not suck!!!! ff9 story is very indepth if you look at the themes they show : O


rated the 5th best game of all time on ps1!!!

12-14-2006, 10:38 PM
This is a list of all of the Final Fantasies that I've beaten, listed by order of how I liked it, the first one being my favorite.

1. Final Fantasy X
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Final Fantasy VIII
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Final Fantasy X-2.

Final Fantasy IX had a good plot but I didn't like how the characters and setting were "childlike" for lack of a better word. I also didn't like how abilities were obtained. I like FFX's sphere grid and FFVII's materia systems more. 7/10

12-14-2006, 10:47 PM
This is a list of all of the Final Fantasies that I've beaten, listed by order of how I liked it, the first one being my favorite.

1. Final Fantasy X
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Final Fantasy VIII
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Final Fantasy X-2.

Final Fantasy IX had a good plot but I didn't like how the characters and setting were "childlike" for lack of a better word. I also didn't like how abilities were obtained. I like FFX's sphere grid and FFVII's materia systems more. 7/10

Well i can see "childlike" with vivi and eiko, since they are children, but how were the rest of the characters childlike, or the settings? I wouldnt exactly consider Burmucia or Memoria to be childlike.

I liked the abilities system of IX, just equip the thing and wear it long enough to learn it, then give it to the next person and have them learn it. Seems pretty simple to me. Personally i hated the matieria system, although i think my game was glitched because materia wouldnt work half the time it was supposed to. The sphere grid of X is a pretty good system, but i think it's kind of difficult for alot people to get the hang of at first. Me and several people i know had to completely start over because by the time we figured out how to work it properly we were too underleveled and out of spheres to use. VIII's system was just atrocious >_<

12-14-2006, 10:59 PM
Most of the characters in that game look abnormally small. Ex: Zidane looks like he's 12. Everything just looked small. Note I said "childlike for lack of a better word"

Junctioning is not confusing...anymore. I admit it wasn't my favorite but once you get the hang of it, your characters are really good by the time you get to the end of disc 3. The sphere grid was hard to understand also. I still don't get why people don't understand it, though. It gives a good explanation of it when it's first introduced. The ability system in FFIX just seems to boring.

12-14-2006, 11:20 PM
As I seem to remember from someones sig, 'People dont like FFIX because they are complete idiots.' - Or somethin like that.
FFIX is underrated by the masses. Look at the relatively 'poor' sales figures. Because shallow people didnt buy this game.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best_selling_computer_and_video_games - Hey, wait a second, FFIX has disappeared. :confused:

But FFX was an excellent game as well.

About the different systems of learning abilities - all of them are good. Although it took me quite a while to get used to FFVIII's.

12-16-2006, 09:46 PM
I remember making a likewise topic when I first beat IX and my entire rant was called "Better than the president's speech." and I got several rewards from otehr members. Lol.

Anyway, I agree IX is underappreciated and by far the best, but I disagree with X SUCKED! I haven't played it, but no game sucks, that's a fact. It's just you who doesn't like it. ;) That's all, really.

I don't need to rant again. It's simply this: Pure quality gets overlooked and overrun by hype, and that's what happened to IX, alas. But for those who played teh game and understood it for what it was, it's the journey of lifetime, so to speak. I hate every reviewing site that gives IX around a 8,5 while VII and VIII get 9.5 or even 10. *Sigh* IX deserves what it's numbered: a nine, at the very least. Oh well, as long as I enjoy the game, and I know others do, too, I'm happy.

Yeah, I know this, but still. Games do suck (I have made a few. :shifty: *coughblackmagechronicalscough*.

Wolf Kanno
12-17-2006, 08:46 AM
IX was underrated mostly because of it's graphics. If people could get past it, and actually see the story for what it is; it becomes quickly prevalent that IX has the deepest story of the PS1 generation.

IX does have the "journey myth" in it though. It's just not as obvious or as centralized. IX doesn't have a main character, but each character walks their own personal journey as they show the player what defines them. It's shown the strongest in Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, and Steiner though. IX's theme is "The Meaning of Life", in context of this theme, each character symbolizes one of the paths that people choose as what is most important to them.

Zidane finds meaning in helping people, Garnet finds meaning in family, Steiner in duty, Freya in love, Eiko in friendship, Amarant in freedom, and Quina in selfishness. Vivi represents those who are still looking for their own purpose and ultimately finds it in helping to lead the other black mages. Of all the FF's, I feel this one expresses it's theme the best.

It's a shame more people didn't like it, cause it was very beautiful. Definetly the best of the PS1 generation. I also enjoyed the references to the older games as well as being a more traditional fantasy game... well as "traditional" as the FF series actually gets.

12-17-2006, 10:31 AM

IX is good game, the main point people hate it is because of the main character have a tail; monkey. They want a human with buzz hair and badass type of sword.

Zidane lead his party better than Cloud and Squall and he's cheerful to his party unlike Cloud or Squall, Total EMO.

FFIX is my favourite FF AFTER FFXII.

Darth Cid
12-17-2006, 02:22 PM
Awww, the love for FFIX, it makes me feel so refreshed.

12-17-2006, 08:29 PM

IX is good game, the main point people hate it is because of the main character have a tail; monkey. They want a human with buzz hair and badass type of sword.

Zidane lead his party better than Cloud and Squall and he's cheerful to his party unlike Cloud or Squall, Total EMO.

FFIX is my favourite FF AFTER FFXII.

Hey now, dont be so mean to X, it was a good game, just nowhere close to IX. And the suckiest game ever is X-2.

Yeah, zidane is a pretty cheerful guy with rather normal hair, and i liked that tail of his. He helped his friends out and gave lotsa good advice to peoples. He did go emo twice, but i think its excusable. I'd probably go emo if the girl i loved was going to become queen and never see me again, or if i found out i was a manufactured alien and the brother of a psychopath.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
12-18-2006, 11:08 AM
Face pictures are admittedly not as good as VII or VIII but a hell of a lot better than IV or VI.

I seemed to have thought the face pictures of IX pwned the pointed chins of FFVII

12-18-2006, 12:19 PM
How did FFX suck? Apart from there being no world map.
FFX was a great game, just not quite as good as FFIX.

12-18-2006, 12:22 PM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, stop saying stuff sucks and stuff rules because it's different with each person.


12-18-2006, 03:37 PM
Yeah but IX does rule, its a fact that was proven in 2003 by a team of nuclear physicists.

12-24-2006, 07:40 PM
Ok, I beat this game ages ago (over two years ago) and I have never shared my feelings on this game with anyone, except a few people that have also beaten this game. But since I recently restarted the game, I just have to tell you my opinions.

Let me start off by saying that this is the Final Fantasy that should have brought fame to the name. Final Fantasy X.... SUCKED. I am sorry, but it just did. Seven, not bad, but still not perfect. Until IX the closest to perfect was probably V. IX was HUGELY underappreciated.

This is partly because of the fact that it was a PS1 game. BAD CHOICE, SQARE ENIX. Ok, for anyone who can get past that, you people are the true Final Fantasy fans, not the phony players that wont even give IV, V or VI a chance because of the graphics.

Despite this, the graphics are among some of my favorite in Final Fantasy games. Kiddish, deformed and slightly frightening, yes. Bad? No. The characters move with alot more ease than they do in X, where Tidus runs like he has a Blitzball shoved up his ass. Face pictures are admittedly not as good as VII or VIII but a hell of a lot better than IV or VI.

Music is simply the best ever made. Even my least favorite scores (such as Jesters of the Moon) are awesome. Beautiful. Breathtaking. X's music is nothing speacial, except for Otherworld and To Zanarkand.

Characters. I love this game's characters. If there is a single person in this forums who doesnt like Vivi, or Garnet, or Quina, or any other character in this game, then the world is a far more terrible place then we could ever imagine. Each character has a distinct personality. With Stiener's overwhelming sense of duty, to Zidane's playful perverted innocence, to Freja's dark, more serious personality, this game has it all.

Plot. Wow. This game isnt the most in-depth (such as maybe VII or X) but still good. And it has one other thing that no other FF has ever been able to mimic.


I mean Jesus. Their love meshes perfectly with the rest of the plot. Are either of them perfect for each other? No. Does it feel real? Yes!

The game rocks out loud. Forty hours of gameplay, plus a hell of a lot of mini-games and sidequests, this is the game I would recomend to anyone who has never played an RPG. One of the only drawbacks (that I personally did not mind) was the significantly slowed-down active time battles.

Anyway. This is my view. Thanks for your time.

:skull::skull::skull::skull:, man, that's a mouthful. Again, mebbe not the very best but the most underappreciated.

12-27-2006, 09:57 AM
here here! 9 is by far my favourite FF game
i loved how they re-introduced loads of old themes: crystals, fiends, set character classes etc etc

its underappreciated because it came out on PS1 after PS2 was released (at least thts what iv heard)

so many new ff fans were drawn in by 7 that they probably didnt like the ye olde style of ff9

and yeah i agree with No. 78, stuff doesnt suck or what but i can express how for ME it is the best

and anyway ff10 wasnt that bad! i enjoyed it alot and absolutely ADORE the sphere grid (dunno why :P) and it had an interesting plot... by far seymour is the most underappreciated main villain in the whole series... but im gettin off topic...

ff 10-2 wasnt that bad if you look at it in context... i didnt like the lack of plot depth and the sudden change in Yuna's attitude, but for just a light hearted bit of fun (opposed to a serious FF game) X-2 is okay

and kuja is by far the BEST villain ever... oh apart from kefka maybe... i mean, megafare in the FACE and he only gets a little scratch? cmon thats awesome :P and so what if hes secretly a transgendered man with a fetish for skimpy underwear... SEXUAL STEREOTYPING AND PREDJUDISM (can never remember how to spell that) make a villain any less of a villain! hes so poetic and exaggerated and over confident... and as far as im concerned the campness adds to his flair and general image of "ha ha im better than you and your just mindless puppets. Im going to use you but you can THINK its your own decision"

conclusion (IMO):
10 doesnt suck
10-2 doesnt suck (for what it is)
9 is underappreciated
seymour is underappreciated
kuja pwns

01-01-2007, 10:02 PM
here here! 9 is by far my favourite FF game
i loved how they re-introduced loads of old themes: crystals, fiends, set character classes etc etc

its underappreciated because it came out on PS1 after PS2 was released (at least thts what iv heard)

so many new ff fans were drawn in by 7 that they probably didnt like the ye olde style of ff9

and yeah i agree with No. 78, stuff doesnt suck or what but i can express how for ME it is the best

and anyway ff10 wasnt that bad! i enjoyed it alot and absolutely ADORE the sphere grid (dunno why :P) and it had an interesting plot... by far seymour is the most underappreciated main villain in the whole series... but im gettin off topic...

ff 10-2 wasnt that bad if you look at it in context... i didnt like the lack of plot depth and the sudden change in Yuna's attitude, but for just a light hearted bit of fun (opposed to a serious FF game) X-2 is okay

and kuja is by far the BEST villain ever... oh apart from kefka maybe... i mean, megafare in the FACE and he only gets a little scratch? cmon thats awesome :P and so what if hes secretly a transgendered man with a fetish for skimpy underwear... SEXUAL STEREOTYPING AND PREDJUDISM (can never remember how to spell that) make a villain any less of a villain! hes so poetic and exaggerated and over confident... and as far as im concerned the campness adds to his flair and general image of "ha ha im better than you and your just mindless puppets. Im going to use you but you can THINK its your own decision"

conclusion (IMO):
10 doesnt suck
10-2 doesnt suck (for what it is)
9 is underappreciated
seymour is underappreciated
kuja pwns

Know what? I hated Seymour. He's wierd. Sephiroths the best villain. Then Kefka probably. Kuja's third. And i agree with you on the prejudice towards men who want to dress that way. No men care when women do it, but when you get someone like Kuja, its a whoole different story.

I like X-2 better than X. No idea y. I just dont like X. X-2 at least tries to be funny.

01-02-2007, 12:23 AM
this thread mostly just compares this game to X. X is awful.

01-02-2007, 01:49 AM
FFIX was probably my favorite video game ever. its hard to decide cause everytime i play a game im like this is the best this is this is. i change my mind a lot. my biggest battle is FFIX and FFVI they both blew me away so theyre tied on my list as my 2 favorite video games ever. FFIX brought the games back to the originals which i liked. showed summons in FMV form, had a great love story and some jelousy in it too to stur things up. and in paying close attention you can notice the ending is the typical happy ending. yet the ending had me jumping out of my seat.

the characters personalitys were great too everyone had a very different personality. everyone even had there own special skills which FFVII and FFVIII kinda got rid of.

this thread has restored my faith in people other people do see how great this game is :cry: theyre tears of joy dont worry.

01-09-2007, 10:00 PM
Face pictures are admittedly not as good as VII or VIII but a hell of a lot better than IV or VI.

I seemed to have thought the face pictures of IX pwned the pointed chins of FFVII
I seemed to have thought and known that too.

01-10-2007, 02:29 PM
I have to say that Zidane and Dagger are my favorite two leading characters in the later generation FFs. They may have not been perfect for each other but they were very right for each other. Oh am I the only one who thinks its sad that every other FF is getting some sort of re-releasing or sequel/spinoff (I'm trying to use inclusive terms here) but IX and 8 get treated like bastard sons of the franchise?

01-12-2007, 11:53 AM
Okay its fair enough if you love the game and want to say why, but will people please stop assuming the only reason other people don't rate IX so highly is for superficial reasons? I don't care about the fantasy setting, in fact the only people who I ever really see mention settings are old-school fans and FFIX fans.

FFIX was a good game, and had a decent story and characters, but the reason I rate it lower than VII and VIII (on the fence about VI and X) is for GAMEPLAY REASONS. For a start the development system was far too simple for me. Equip item A, fight with item A, learn ability, equip item B, fight with item B... It just didn't feel free, or like I had any real input in what my characters became. Same goes for the story. I know VII and VIII were probably equally linear, but they never really felt it. IX just felt like I was constantly following a path to the next cutscene, without any real exploration (X was admittedly far far worse in this respect).

The mini-games were fun yes. I love the chocobo quests. But still they didn't really do much against VII and VIII. Okay fine, VII's chocobo system might be less fun, but VII had a whole theme park full of other mini-games. VIII only really had Triple Triad, but it was so much more involving than Tetra Master, which was to be fair (even if it could be fun), confusing and completely pointless.

01-26-2007, 07:13 PM
All the FF games have a important place in my game loving heart. But if I had to choose it would be FF IX! I think that game has the best music soundtrack ever.

01-26-2007, 07:16 PM
I seem to remember 9 being very well received in the UK because everyone thought Vivi was cute as they'd never seen a Black Mage before.