View Full Version : need help!!!-----spilers------

12-11-2006, 03:21 PM
i need help withumbrum and other underground sections of the pharos at ridoranai need to find more black orbs but i dont know how to get them easy.can anyone give me tips on how to get them easy and whats in here once i complete it?thanks in adv.

ok ill tell you somthing(explain)once you complete that part you can go back to it and ride the elevator down to a place calledpenumbrumgo there and check it out for yourself i have to go to my next class.:choc2:

Nominus Experse
12-11-2006, 03:36 PM
Oh, I feel stupid. You mean the underground... so sorry.

I have yet to travel to the underground, so I cannot help you. I apologize for my blatant confusion...