View Full Version : The Desktop Creation Contest

Elite Lord Sigma
12-18-2006, 09:22 PM
I got an idea for this when I read the 12/11/06 issue of TIME Magazine. At the end of the magazine, instead of an essay, like normal, instead, the writer behind that area decided to create something called, "God's Inbox." In it, he had an e-mail inbox stacked with e-mails, ranging from "LET THE UNBELIEVERS PERISH (from OBL@al-qaeda.net)" to "Re: re: re: re: DNA Test (Joseph's Idea) (from virgin-mary@something.com". In the background, there were files visible on the computer, ranging from a picture of a lightning bolt to the 2008 election results. Also, Google Earth was visible, centered on Vatican City, along with the football schedule for the New Orleans Saints.

My proposition is to challenge all of you to come up with something similar to what I described above. How you do this is completely up to you. The only requirement is that you center the desktop around someone. It can be anybody from Mario to Chuck Norris to Borat. I don't care who. Try to make it as funny as possible, too.

I'm going to leave this open for a while, and anybody who feels up to it can do it. Enjoy.