View Full Version : Death of a President (spoiler alert)

12-27-2006, 01:25 PM
I'm not sure if it's out or is out in selected theaters, or whatever, but I have just watched it today at work.

So....spoiler alert throughout the entire thread. I won't use spoiler tags because it's just my reaction from it.

Personally I thought it was well done. There are two constant thoughts through my mind: is this plausible, and what am I looking at (in terms of footage). The movie is supposed to have been based on future events, using past footage spliced together to present a fictional premise. I think that was done well too.

As for the actual content of the movie, it makes me rather sad that americans in general seem to allow this to happen, and not only that, but they either lie to themselves, convince themselves, or are geniunely believers that such actions like giving up civil liberties for national security are good things.

I am not a believer in total freedom, nor am I a believer in total despotism, but I can see inconsistent beliefs and/or hypocrisy / delusion when I see it. And the american public painted in this fictional film shows that very well. I hope that it is just that -- a fiction.

Because if it is not, the future is going to be very bleak regardless of what happens.

Odaisé Gaelach
12-27-2006, 06:00 PM
He dies!

I haven't seen it, but it looked interesting.

Madame Adequate
12-27-2006, 06:32 PM
It wasn't bad. I can see things going as they go in the movie were something like that to happen in real life - the public little realising that security is already much, much higher than it has any business being.

I did feel it somewhat... unpalatable that they used a real, living person. I think it'd have been more savoury if it were a fictional president.

12-27-2006, 09:15 PM
it would have none of the emotional meaning. The whole reason why they used Bush is because he was (is) a very controversial president.