View Full Version : Kefka vs Ex-Death

The Crystal
01-06-2007, 05:25 AM
Kefka vs Ex-Death in a fight.

Normal Kefka vs Normal Ex-Death

God Kefka vs Neo Ex-Death

Who wins in game-wise? And who wins in story-wise?

01-06-2007, 05:29 AM
Normal Kefka would get his ass kicked. Hands down.

Kefka after the Three statues would humiliate Ex-Death with Ease. It's not even a Contest at that point.

01-06-2007, 05:59 AM
kefka, cause wtf kinda name is Ex-Death?

Meat Puppet
01-06-2007, 06:43 AM
Kefka. Mainly because I haven’t ever heard of Ex-Death. Which is funny, because I have fought him once before.

Firo Volondé
01-06-2007, 09:39 AM
Ex-death, because wtf kinda name is Cefca?

01-06-2007, 09:39 AM
In a normal fight Exdeath would win. That guy already knew Meteor, Holy and Flare and is able to use them in 1 turn => Kefka is pwned.

God Kefka vs Tree Exdeath is Exdeath yet again, Exdeath would just suck Kefka and his tower + statues up in the Void. The end.

God Kefka vs Neo Exdeath, well, it's hard. Neo Exdeath seems to be the Void itself, so it can be assumed that Neo can suck things up in the void as well. Besides, God Kefka's attacks aren't really a threat to Neo, except maybe Fallen One. Well, it depends. If Kefka can use Fallen One and soem all-hitting attack (Goner) before Neo can suck him up in the Void, Kefka wins. If not, Neo sucks Kefka up in the Void and there goes the Godly clown.

Story-wise, Exdeath wins for me.

01-06-2007, 03:53 PM
In a normal fight, Exdeath would defeat Kefka with his barrage of spells he used against Galuf and some other powerful moves he has. If Kefka had the power of statues on his side and Exdeath was in his tree form, Kefka might actually win, but if Exdeath was in Neo-Exdeath form, he'd totally ruin Kefka by devouring him into the Void. I don't think Kefka's Fallen One would work against Neo-Exdeath, though I also think Neo-Exdeath's Grand Cross wouldn't work against Kefka (final bosses seem to be immune to most status ailments).

Story-wise, Exdeath defeats Kefka. Game-wise, Kefka's angel form is pathetic. 60,000 HP makes it easy to one-hit-kill him, but I can't see anyone taking away Neo-Exdeath's 200,000+ HP too quickly. Exdeath wins here too. :p

01-06-2007, 05:07 PM
Ex-Death would chop Kefka into clown sushi.
However, God Kefka would chop Ex-Death into sushi.
Story-Wise, Kefka would chop Ex-Death into sushi.

01-06-2007, 08:00 PM
X-Death would probably beat Kefka by battle mechanics because of Flare + Holy + Meteor in 1 turn.

Story-wise, Kefka wins. Yes, because even Normal Kefka was able to kill 8 Espers at once. Doubt X-Death could do that.

As for NeoX-Death vs God Kefka, it's hard to decide. NeoX-Death could send Kefka to the Void, but because Kefka controls all magic in the world/universe, he could just get himself out again.

01-06-2007, 08:08 PM
kefka, cause wtf kinda name is Ex-Death?

Ex-Death seems to me to be the title of somebody divorced from death.

Either Ex-Death made death angry, and so they split up, therefore making Ex-Death either immortal or simply alive, depending on how you look at it.
Ex-Death and death went through some kind of separation, in which case he was actually resurrected from death or maybe he went from non-living to living for an incomprehensible reason.

At least those are the likeliest origins of where the name came from. Ex-Death may not have been the first Ex-Death, you know. It's really hard to imagine what his mother was thinking when she decided to use that name instead of something normal like Butz.

More on topic:

For reasons stated before, namely that Ex-Death is the power of the void itself (Which is Chaos, which is the dark side of everything that exists, which would forego any kind of power that exists because it is the lack of existence in and of itself), and is already almost on equal terms with God Ex-Death before tree form, Ex-Death would obviously win in every scenario.

All Kefka has going for him is personality. But it's an interesting personality, not a particularly pleasant or charming personality, so even that would be useless in trying to save his evil, powdered clown skin.

Yes, I know that, oficially, the lead was never called "Butz." Give me a freaking break.

The Crystal
01-06-2007, 08:23 PM
Story-wise, Kefka wins. Yes, because even Normal Kefka was able to kill 8 Espers at once. Doubt X-Death could do that

But normal Ex-Death isn't capable of using the X-Zone to make entire cities disappear?

As for NeoX-Death vs God Kefka, it's hard to decide. NeoX-Death could send Kefka to the Void, but because Kefka controls all magic in the world/universe, he could just get himself out again.

I really doubt that Kefka have control over all magic in the universe.

01-06-2007, 09:29 PM
But normal Ex-Death isn't capable of using the X-Zone to make entire cities disappear?

That's not his power though. That's the Void's power. Kefka could probably do the same thing and more using the statues as well. He used the Void's power to make the cities disappear, but he didn't gain the Void's power until he became NeoX-Death, just like Kefka used the statues' power to kill Gestahl, but didn't gain their powers until the end of the game, where he drained the power of the statues.

I really doubt that Kefka have control over all magic in the universe.

Well, it was said that the statues were the source of all magic in FFVI. Though it didn't say the universe, it did say "all magic" and the magic of the world and the magic of the universe do fit under "all magic" right?

01-06-2007, 09:39 PM
Except Kefka doesn't control all magic. He can't restrict any one else's magic or stuff like that.
He's megapotent, but not omnipotent.

01-07-2007, 04:09 AM
I am of the party what believes in their normal form, Ex-death is superior, while in their final forms, Kefka is.

01-07-2007, 04:25 AM
Based on story capabilities? Kefka after Floating Continent
Based on what you see in battle? Exdeath at any point

01-07-2007, 04:38 AM
You're all talking about getting sucked into the void, but I seem to remember 4 regular people not getting sucked into the void either. If they can avoid it, Kefka can easily. Before Kefka had the power of the statues, he kinda sucked. But after that, no magic can hurt him, and he's just crazy powerful.

Plus storywise Kefka is far cooler. Ex-Death was pushed too hard to be this awesome bad guy, but he failed, kinda like Sephiroth


01-07-2007, 05:31 AM
I'm gonna say Kefka, because he's got that neat little pyramid thing that surrounds him, protecting him harmful UV rays and a pair of Gem Box'd Ultimas.

Honestly, Kefka was cool and all, but the folks at Squaresoft forget to include elemental crystals in his game. I mean, he could've been collecting them for their power or something. Or maybe they'd shatter when you show up, just in time to unlock the mysteries of the Blue Mage Job Class. Or maybe their power has faded thanks to Kefka's weird 2000 year immortality time loop thing, causing the world to rot away. And talking bats. And replace "crystal" with "orb". And replace "Kefka" with "Garland". And replace "send to the void" with "knock you all down".

FF6 was very crystal lacking. Unless you count Magicite. Which I don't. It's just dead animals.

Come on, even Mystic Quest managed to include something about crystals in the plot. Hell, that one guy who looks like a floating tree even turns out to be a crystal, in the end.

kinda like Sephiroth
Dang it. I am sooooooo tempted to respond to this about what I take to be Sephiroth's true nature and his intentions. But this isn't the thread for that.

01-07-2007, 07:44 AM
If they can avoid it, Kefka can easily.
Kefka doesn't have 4 Dawn Warriors and a King Tycoon to hold back the power of the void for him. Seeing as he killed all his potential alies in WoB, and I don't see his little followers in their little tower march towards the place were Kefka was sucked up by the Void to hold back the Void either.

Dr Aum
01-07-2007, 06:55 PM
Exdeath is a tree. Kefka likes to catch fire to things.

And somehow, I doubt that Smokey the Bear is going to make a cameo.

boys from the dwarf
01-07-2007, 10:00 PM
in X-deaths humanoid form and kefkas normal form, i'd say kefka.

even when kefka isn't god like, he is far from weak. he beats espers in seconds and destroys them easily. but before his power is enhanced by the espers, he probably wouldn't be powerful enough. after using the espers to enhance his powers, he would probably win and after using the espers and statues to become god like he would definetly beat X-death.

kefka has no way of holding back X-deaths power of the void but i dont see kefka being sucked into the void. he seems too powerful to be beaten by that.

neo X-death? its hard to say. if kefka has all of his tiers and is hovering on top, he could win but neo X-death is pretty much, the void controlling X-death instead of it being the other way around which means where kefka can rule over a planet and destroy cities but neo X-death has attacks like grand cross and is a threat to all existence.

storyline wise it hard to say who i prefer. kefka is hilarious and a brilliant enemy but doesn't really get enough screen time in the WoR.

X-death is an equally brilliant enemy and its hard not to like him. it seems quite unfair to compare the two but X-death seems hearltess and bent on becoming all powerful and ruling the world. i cant decided but i think X-death in general is more powerful.

just think. kefka is beaten by a group of powerful fighters who are much more powerful than any human because of magicite.

X-death is beaten by the 4 warriors of dawm who have the power of legendary warriors in the form of crystal shards.

its hard to say which party is more powerufl though but its something to think about.

if the FFV heroes saved the FF6 world. would they find kefka easier or harder than neo X-death?

01-08-2007, 02:15 AM
Except Kefka doesn't control all magic. He can't restrict any one else's magic or stuff like that.
He's megapotent, but not omnipotent.

See Ghestal trying to cast Fira or what ever on Kefka. With the power of the goddess' the magic used by Ghestal is null'd to the point of he couldn't even cast it.

The Goddess' control magic, so if it's magic it's the goddess' doing, Kefka controls them, it's Kefka's doing. Which is why when Kefka is gone, ALL magic disapears.

But yeah, Normal Ex-death would beat Kefka(unless we're talking about pre-Edgarcastles Kefka or Post-Thamasa Kefka, then Post-Thamasa Kefka would win), but God(more so Satan Kefka but that's a whole other thing) Kefka would have Neo-Ex-death by the void.

But then again, why would he even be fighting the void? He wanted "to create a monument to non-existant", those two should be best friends, he -WANTED- a void.

01-08-2007, 12:38 PM
Ex-Death got trapped by four dudes. It took 14 to defeat Kefka.

shut up about only using four guys.

01-08-2007, 04:11 PM
Ex-Death got trapped by four dudes. It took 14 to defeat Kefka.

shut up about only using four guys.
Kefka was killed by the heroes, Exdeath got destroyed by his own power, never by the heroes (and Neo doesn't really count, since they are 2 seperate beings). ;) The Dawn Warriors couldn't kill Exdeath, so they had to seal him, the heroes of VI could kill Kefka.

And technically, you don't even need all 14 dudes to kill Kefka.

01-08-2007, 04:18 PM
Ex-Death got trapped by four dudes. It took 14 to defeat Kefka.

shut up about only using four guys.
Kefka was killed by the heroes, Exdeath got destroyed by his own power, never by the heroes (and Neo doesn't really count, since they are 2 seperate beings). ;) The Dawn Warriors couldn't kill Exdeath, so they had to seal him, the heroes of VI could kill Kefka.

And technically, you don't even need all 14 dudes to kill Kefka.

That was the original 4 dawn warriors. If, Neo Exdeath were indeed stronger than Exdeath, that means the new dawn warriors are stronger, since they destroy NEo Ex Death.

And I have no doughts in my mind Kefka is strong enough on his own to resist getting sucked into the void.

01-08-2007, 04:20 PM
shut up about only using four guys.

And technically, you don't even need all 14 dudes to kill Kefka.

You don't listen to me very well. Why won't you listen? You're making me do this.. I don't want to hurt you, but you're giving me choice.

Technically, Kefka was destroyed by his own power as well. He let it consume him into thinking that he was all powerful and that he couldn't be killed. Had he used the appropriate tactics and approached the situation with a better attitude, I have no doubt that he would have came out on top. Unfortunately, a game that you cannot win does not make for a very decent RPG, so the reverse had to be true.

01-08-2007, 05:14 PM
Ex-Death got trapped by four dudes. It took 14 to defeat Kefka.

shut up about only using four guys.
Kefka was killed by the heroes, Exdeath got destroyed by his own power, never by the heroes (and Neo doesn't really count, since they are 2 seperate beings). ;) The Dawn Warriors couldn't kill Exdeath, so they had to seal him, the heroes of VI could kill Kefka.

And technically, you don't even need all 14 dudes to kill Kefka.

That was the original 4 dawn warriors. If, Neo Exdeath were indeed stronger than Exdeath, that means the new dawn warriors are stronger, since they destroy NEo Exdeath.

And I have no doughts in my mind Kefka is strong enough on his own to resist getting sucked into the void.
Bartz and Co had the power of the crystals, while the Dawn Warriors just had their own power and skill. Good point, who's stronger actually? It's difficult to say. Game-wise it's obviously the player, and i guess story-wise too.

And I can fully believe the void can consume Kefka with no problems. It sucked in Exdeath too. You know, a powerful guy like Exdeath? Kefka and Tree Exdeath are both as easy. Only difference is Kefka uses attacks that mostly kill your characters in 1 hit because of heavy damage. The Void even consumed Enuo, it's creator (who is considerably more powerful than either Exdeath or Neo.)! Why wouldn't it be able to suck in the God of Magic?

shut up about only using four guys.

And technically, you don't even need all 14 dudes to kill Kefka.

You don't listen to me very well. Why won't you listen? You're making me do this.. I don't want to hurt you, but you're giving me choice.

Technically, Kefka was destroyed by his own power as well. He let it consume him into thinking that he was all powerful and that he couldn't be killed. Had he used the appropriate tactics and approached the situation with a better attitude, I have no doubt that he would have came out on top. Unfortunately, a game that you cannot win does not make for a very decent RPG, so the reverse had to be true.
I said technically and I know what you meant. But using a party of 4 isn't the same as just gathering 4 guys and killing him with those 4. Kefka had control of his power, that's obvious. It was his own arrogance that led to his downfall, not his own power. Exdeath couldn't handle the Void and thus was consumed by it. But, also his arrogance for thinking he could control it. No worries though, I got what you were saying. But saying it takes 14 dudes to kill Kefka isn't entirely correct, as it depends on how you play the game. Now if we think outside the game, that's a whole other question there. ;)

01-08-2007, 06:55 PM
Ex-Death got trapped by four dudes. It took 14 to defeat Kefka.

shut up about only using four guys.
Kefka was killed by the heroes, Exdeath got destroyed by his own power, never by the heroes (and Neo doesn't really count, since they are 2 seperate beings). ;) The Dawn Warriors couldn't kill Exdeath, so they had to seal him, the heroes of VI could kill Kefka.

And technically, you don't even need all 14 dudes to kill Kefka.

That was the original 4 dawn warriors. If, Neo Exdeath were indeed stronger than Exdeath, that means the new dawn warriors are stronger, since they destroy NEo Ex Death.

And I have no doughts in my mind Kefka is strong enough on his own to resist getting sucked into the void.

Kefka wouldn't resist getting sucked into the void. I think we need a Kefka vs someone else thread because him and Ex-death would be buddies. (Kefka would prolly be buddies with anyone that would extreminate life, but then attempt to kill them, unlike Ex-death who is what Kefka wants)
Kefka, you don't know what you're doing! Stop!
(Kefka sends the Light of Judgement on the southern coast ot the
southern continent.)
KEFKA: I command the greatest power in the universe! You are all
helpless before me!
(Kefka rises on a tower, while other party members do the same.)

KEFKA: I will destroy everything... I will create a monument to

Then Ex-death would just come in and kill everyone and everything with the voids sucking including Kefka who would most likely being the only willing person there, they both want the technical term of nothing. So these two wouldn't even be battling at all.
It's a win/win situation for everyone! *cheers* :razz:

01-08-2007, 09:45 PM
Kefka had no special powers in his normal form so ExDeath would win.

But between Neo Exdeath and God Kefka the winner would obviously be Kefka.

01-08-2007, 09:58 PM
Kefka had no special powers other than the fact he killed 8-11 espers all on his own in his normal form so ExDeath would win.

But between Neo Exdeath and God Kefka the winner would obviously be Kefka.

I fixed it for you. :)

01-09-2007, 12:09 AM
But consider the Espers he killed. I mean, he obviously wasn't killing Bahamut, Odin or their like. The powerful ones escaped.

I have a feeling that normal Kefka and Ex-Death alike could kill Shivas and Ifrits all day long without breaking a sweat.

boys from the dwarf
01-09-2007, 06:45 PM
But between Neo Exdeath and God Kefka the winner would obviously be Kefka.

if it was so obvious we wouldn't be having these discussions.

i dont think you've thought much about neo X-deaths powers.

i cant properly decide but in the final battle, kefka has powerful attacks and neo X-death has all flashy universal destruction attacks like grand cross and ultragust.

all the magic in the world VS the ultimate power. i think its quite clear that we'll never reach an agreement that we can all live with though.

seems as their from different games it's usually unfair and pointless to decide who is the most powerful.

01-09-2007, 07:11 PM
:heart: http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasy5/Bosses/57%20-%20NeoExdeath.gifhttp://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasy6/NPCs/Empire/Kefka%20-%20Wave%20(Front).gif :heart:

Normal Kefka loves Neo-Exdeath and all Exdeaths! They'll be friends until the end, BECAUSE THEY BOTH WANT THE END! It's really hard to battle two final bosses that both want non-existance. Make them fight someone who actually doesn't want the world to be a void, and then it should be a good one.

Because storyline wise AND gameplay wise, they still want everything gone! :razz: