did u get married yet
Tigz, you're on the list too. Let's make this a family affair. Edit by Christmas: Interesting, I can edit others' posts in my blog. lol
You are what makes this place awesome, Christmas
Originally Posted by Quin Totally still on my EoFF crush list. Back off bro, that's my mom
Totally still on my EoFF crush list.
I'm so happy to see you back!
I like the achievement thing, too. It makes me want to think of more topics and post a bit more in general. I already made a few threads today that I would otherwise be too lazy to make.
Christmas for best member Ciddies: Forever.
I love everything about you, Christmas.
lol you're hysterical .. <3
I love the wiki too. I wish it could be taken care of, but I do not have the power to love and care for it. It's always a sad time when you disappear, but I am glad you have kept well and still visit us whenever the site flits into your mind.
Super special pinky promise!
Christmas, I am so glad I am getting to experience you.
For some reasons I have accumulated 196 notifications, (It was 220 plus notifications at first.) Most of them are usernotes from people that had left. So you guys, stay put here ok? Promise Promise?
Originally Posted by Jiro but a dearly beloved piece that we all love to cuddle up to on those long nights every night.
Christmas you are a part of the furniture here. A piece of furniture that sometimes goes missing, but a dearly beloved piece that we all love to cuddle up to on those long nights. You rock!
Christmas! You better not forget us in this place! Keep returning