if you come up with a blog I will design one for you if you ask nicely
My non-EoFF blog was about lots of things, but I got sick of talking about myself. And the stuff that wasn't all about me would get more traffic if I posted it elsewhere, so I don't really update it anymore. You can look at it here if you want an example. There's a blog networking site called 20 Something Bloggers that's helpful, though the vast majority of blog networking is an "I'll pretend to read your stuff in order to obligate you to read mine" narcissistic circlejerk. Most of my traffic was from Sims 3 content I made.
I blog about things I'm interested in or amuse me. It helps that I'm passionate about some issues like the US Constitution, criminal justice reform, religion/atheism, and science. I write stuff that interests me when I have the urge to write or rant or laugh about. If somebody else reads it, all the better, but I don't write for that. You shouldn't cater to what other people want*; that would just increase the likelihood of you not wanting to keep doing it after a few entries. You don't even need a real topic to start blogging here. You can try writing about a lot of things and see what keeps your interest. *caveat: you probably shouldn't just write about details of your life. Unless it adds some sort of commentary or is hilarious.
Start causing shenanigans and write about that! Seriously I dunno what to write about either. Here I am wanting to work in magazines and I can't even write a goddamn blog, let alone a feature. Oy vey.
I find that writing about whatever is on your mind is a good place to start. It doesn't need to be serious whatsoever but just something to get a huge rant started. Don't try to force an idea out because that never seems to end well. (at least in my case) Brainstorming about nothing can easily turn into a huge rant about something that can spur the interest of a lot of people.