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  1. Fare Thee Well... my old PC that is xD this is the final act I will do on this computer before I unplug it, then give it to my brother, fare well beloved PC, we had a good run, but now its time for you to hang up your little mouse pack up your CPU and head to a new home.

    You will be missed... for about 10 minutes xD.
  2. Mega Upload is gone.

    Well America has done it, those smurfing idiots have closed down the biggest file host on the internet, yes, MegaUpload has been shut down and the owners have been arrested.

    Disgusted? I know I am, not only disgusted though but smurfing angry too... could America have done anything as stupid as what they have just done, the internet is going to be up in smurfing arms about this.

    with just 2 minutes in chat (on another site) everyone is clamouring for hackers of the world ...