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  1. Gran Turismo 5

    Been quite a while since I've made a blog post. I've actually had a few things I've been meaning to talk about regarding the strategy game but since much of it is about character design, I'd rather wait a bit until I have more to actually show everyone. So instead I figured I'd talk about some stuff I'm playing lately, largely from a design perspective obviously because that's just the way I tend to look at a lot of stuff after the first few play sessions.

    Anyway, I've been rather ...
  2. Flash Duel

    Been a while since my last post and I have nothing related to my strategy game prepared so I figured I talk about a game made by someone else.

    Sirlin Games - Flash Duel: Deluxe

    Flash Duel is a board/card game made by David Sirlin. Some of the fighting game fans here may be familiar with him. He was the man responsible for re-balancing ...
  3. There's a blank space on my whiteboard

    Let me start off by saying that the white board is possibly my favourite brainstorming invention ever. Not sure how I got by without mine, and now that I have one I wish it was bigger. If I had my way, I'd make an entire wall of this room a whiteboard.

    Anyway, I figured after talking about the development of the Grenadier unit last time I'd move into something somewhat related and still very much in progress. Anytime I'm somewhat stuck on something I'll usually break down the problem ...
  4. Stalemate's suck!

    Most people don't like losing, but stalemating is a hell of a lot worse than losing. Nothing sucks more than a game that lasts hours with no clear winner, or even the hope that someone will win soon.

    Which is yet another reason the first few play tests of my strategy game weren't going very well. We mostly worked out the economy and actions to make winning theoretically possible, but were still playing 2-3 hour games without managing more than one or two hits on the other persons ...
  5. Prototyping for dummies

    So last post I mentioned having six general rules I planned to follow for designing the strategy game I'm making. So of course I had to break at least half of them with the first prototype.

    The basic structure of the game in the very first version was two opposing teams square off with the objective of destroying the others base. Each team got money at the start of each round that they could use to either buy more units, or research higher level units. Each player could make a certain ...

    Updated 09-23-2010 at 11:55 AM by Slothy

    Tags: game design Add / Edit Tags
  6. Humans vs. Aliens

    Since March of this year I've been designing a turn based strategy game with my best friend. No code has hit the computer yet, and it doesn't even have a proper name, but we've been designing and playtesting on paper so far and it has undergone a lot of different stages and we've faced a lot of problems and triumphs getting this thing to be fun. So I figured why not use my blog here to talk about it a bit, particularly in regards to the development process so far, especially since I think a lot ...
    Tags: game design Add / Edit Tags
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