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Originally Posted by Psychotic Originally Posted by Quintuky fied Chicken Truth is, I was always Christmas. Mate don't flatter yourself, you're not even Boxing Day.
Originally Posted by Mr Gashtacular mon then ill turn u upside down and inside out so u can finally dribble with ur feet not ur gob you smurfin relic
Originally Posted by Yamaneko Just discovered "Blog this post" feature.
Updated 09-22-2022 at 11:40 PM by Quindiana Jones
So, as I exited the taxi, I performed my usual check. Nope, nothing has been left behind. Good. I bend over to retrieve my backpack from the back seat and leave. The taxi drives away. Seconds later, I realise my phone is not in my pocket. "Piss," think I, with some embarrassment at my own ineptitude. I don't mind too much, but I did like the number. This morning, a friend of mine calls the phone. Turns out some people have found it and picked it up! That's ...
your boi is lonely
Updated 08-26-2022 at 08:18 PM by Quindiana Jones