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Fynn's positive life blog

I decided to dedicate this blog to positive thoughts and general encouragement. Cause smurf it, there's a lot of messed up trout in this world I know many of us have to cope with, so we might as well make the most out of our life here I know I had it easy, but maybe you just needed a place to vent your frustrations? I'll always lend an ear

  1. Part of your world

    by , 06-06-2017 at 04:37 PM (Fynn's positive life blog)
    So there's this nagging issue I've had for quite some time now. It's a pretty abstract issue but one I think is pretty interesting and perhaps even important to share nonetheless. For many reasons, it has only become more pronounced recently.

    As some of you may know, I want to be a writer. I try to do as much writing as I can. I even do writing for a living, though as an SEO copywriter, it's not exactly that I have an opportunity to spread my creative wings as part of what keeps giving ...