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Personal Life

Gamers have lives! And if they run out of them, they best hope they'll have a continue left.

  1. Fynn's positive life blogs, part jeden (one)!

    by , 02-26-2014 at 10:24 AM (Fynn's positive life blog)
    I've come to realize my life is a pretty happy one. I mean, I've been going through something of a quarter-life crisis lately, but ultimately, I know there's a lot of people out there who have it way harder than me. Some of them on these forums. Some of whom have become my close friends.

    So, considering that, the fact that my popularity here seems to be increasing (seriously, 2 years ago most of my posts got ignored and now I've actually won a Ciddie), and the fact that I need to ...
    Tags: happy, life, money Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life