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  1. I'm totally screwed

    Seriously stolen from, car troubles, no way out. I swear to god I don't think I'm cut out for this life.
  2. I won't advertise but.

    There's a thread, that Jiro started about me needing help.

    It's a dire situation involving sewer water drainage, roaches, fleas and nastiness. We've dumped what little money we've had in the house and it's improved a bit but it's not enough.

    In a month it'll be back to being worse than it was.

    I don't know guys, this is the worst thing I think I've been through but I've got to believe things will get better.

    If you could chip in a buck, or even ...
  3. So I'm that special kind of poor.

    5 years ago, if you'd told me I would own a house, hardly do any living in it for the first year, suffer the next 4 years with a illness that made the house a sort of crutch and then sell it and live with someone else again, I'd probably laugh. I'd probably tell you to shut up.

    Then again 5 years ago I didn't know obviously how life truly can turn you upside down and ring you through.

    We sold our house 2 weeks ago, the closing was on a Friday and we got to spend one more ...
  4. ohai eoff

    What's going on in this blog?