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Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements

Just my usual posts... IN BLOG FORM!!!!!

  1. Projects!!!

    by , 01-28-2021 at 07:40 AM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
    Oof, I've been a bit out of sorts with my mental health lately, and I think it's about time I do something about that. I've got a lot of balls in the air so to speak concerning projects I've been doing around the forum both past and present. So I'm thinking about tackling a few of them, but with how I've been feeling lately, I want some second opinions I guess. Of the projects I've abandoned, what should I work on next?

    Here's where I'm at for the moment:

    FFVI Retrospective ...
  2. My Top 100's Lost but Not Forgotten: Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra

    by , 12-30-2019 at 09:56 PM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
    Top 100 List Blah blah blah…. I ended up re-writing this entry because the original was a little more bitter and more like just a genuine rant than a review. With that said, a little backstory is in order.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Continuing my trend of snubbed entries in franchises, we now come back to a series that was very near and dear to me. At this point in time, the story of ...

    Updated 03-29-2021 at 06:28 AM by Wolf Kanno

    Video Games
  3. My Top 100's Lost but Not Forgotten: Suikoden IV Part 2 ~ Suikoden Tactics

    by , 06-17-2019 at 06:25 AM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
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    So in my last blog, I talked about the black sheep numbered entry of the Suikoden franchise, Suikoden IV. Today, we're going to look at Rhapsodia, better known as Suikoden Tactics in the West. Tactics is a gaiden title that serves as both prequel/sequel side story to Suikoden IV. What makes it really standout is that the game is no longer a turn-based RPG about collecting 108 heroes, but instead a Tactical Turn Based RPG a la Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire ...

    Updated 08-31-2019 at 03:57 AM by Wolf Kanno

    Video Games
  4. My Top 100"s Lost but Not Forgotten: Suikoden IV ~ Part 1

    by , 04-29-2019 at 06:53 AM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
    List, blah blah. Didn't make it, blah blah.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    I feel I have a theme going here. Like the BoF1 entry, anyone who took a quick glance of my list will know I'm a pretty big Suikoden fan, you'll also notice I snubbed one of the main entries and most of the spin-off/gaiden games. I'll say right now, that I have to actually play Suikogaiden due to lacking the proper emulator, which is why ...

    Updated 04-29-2019 at 07:11 AM by Wolf Kanno

    Video Games
  5. My Top 100's Lost but not Forgotten: Dragon Quest VII

    by , 10-26-2018 at 05:42 AM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
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    I feel like the year 2001 was an odd year in gaming. One of the first time where you really felt like the end of an era and the beginning of a new one was coming. Sony was gearing up to release the successor to the smash hit PlayStation and if you looked around the gaming scene, it seemed like every company was jumping ship to get on board what the PS2 could do. Square had released their PS1 swan song FFIX even though they would still support the PS1 with ...
  6. 10 Ideas from other RPG franchises that would make FF better.

    by , 11-18-2011 at 06:46 AM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
    Final Fantasy has always been one of the best series, but some would argue its entered its Dork Age, and that it has really lost its self. The other issue is that some games do things really well compared to FF and you have to wonder why Squenix doesn't give some of this love to the main series. This is not to say that these games are better than FF, rather they have some particular elements that make them stand out among their peers, and I often wonder why the rest of the genre hasn't jumped on ...
  7. Assassin's Creed

    by , 06-11-2011 at 04:16 AM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
    So I finally got off my ass and played through Assassin's Creed 1. Yeah, I know I'm half a decade behind the rest but I've been busy. I was thinking of making a thread but figured a blog review or final thoughts would work better since it is such an old game. Anyway... my thoughts:

    Story and Characters: The plot of the game is intriguing, a little weird but once you quickly accept the Animus, everything else doesn't feel out of place. The game has a pretty good cast of characters who ...