did you see that thing on youtube? omg man, dude, check this out!
My Etsy store is kind of rocking my own socks off. Eight Ten sales (plus working on a custom order) in two and a half weeks is preeeeetty impressive. Yep. Though, I have to say, I put my buns into designing semi-sophisticated Disney princess jewelry, and then I tossed up some random plastic stuff that I was just screwing around with... and I almost cannot keep stock of Adventure Time earrings. I even had someone convo me "Hey, you got any more of those Jake the dog earrings?" ...
So I'm sitting here and BJ went somewhere that I didn't care to go so I'm just going to post everything that makes me laugh. puppy tastes lime (gif) cooking show for one (video) T-800's Twitter (twitter) guy answers questions with MS paint drawings (thread) This chick posted a picture of her telling her Nana she's pregnant. After a couple of people say "congrats!" she says that the picture is from November and she ...
I've been playing Hello Kitty Online, and, apparently, when you leave the n00b area you loose all the money and items you earned. smurf you, Carnival of Dreams. And apparently none of my screenshots captured either. Goddammitgoddammit. It's still fun and adorable though, so stfu.