I have been on this site for a long time now, not as long as some of you, but long enough. I had a great time, EoFF being an outlet for me during some of my times spent under duress. People have changed, I have changed, it's all good. See you later EoFF.
I am back with @JenovaJunkie86! I was formally @nowyouthink, however Twitter had suspended that account. Apparently someone already had JenovaJunkie. The audacity of people I tell you, to just come here and steal my name.
COVID is boring, I play have been playing a lot of Destiny 2, Bungie really redeemed themselves this time around. Just wanted to say hi again.
I mean, I think we deserve it. The virus is clouding the news, Facebook newsfeeds, and just media in general. The corona virus popped up in my Reddit timeline as well. Mastodon, not so much, Instagrams had a few mentions here and there. I am actually just self isolating myself, despite not even having travelled at all this year. I’ve taken it upon myself to learn a computer language, I picked up the book Learn Python the Hard Way (3rd edition). I can’t say that I hate it either, learning how ...
Because saying Corona Virus is not appropriate language, apparently this YouTube "Voltaire" said that the streaming service has prohibited the word. Also "racist" is another, and he ended saying "reecist". It was weird, although I don't know much about Youtube content publishing. Wuhan disease is a can also be seen as discriminatory I imagine, yet it originated from there. I was scrolling down my timeline, and there was this dailymail.uk article ...
Well this weekend proved to be somewhat productive to me. Usually I go out to eat, maybe watch the hockey game at a bar or something (it so happens that the two or three bars I frequent, two are chicken wing joints, just because they are close to me I have a lot of chicken wings, I've learned to love the chicken wing). But this week I wasn't too productive on my gym, only getting in three days of work, completely missing a muscle group. Yet I feel as if in all of my communication between ...
Hey, Just talked to some guy who tried to convince me that monogamy is not in our DNA because animals are not monogamous. Uhhh.... animals also exhibit homosexuality, does that means deep down we should just smurf everything that we can? I like to think that we shouldn't, call me crazy but when I was in school I loved to date women without having the having to deal with cheating. Weird. I don't know, maybe it was my christian upbringing or my over protective ...
As I return, I reminisce over the past. It wasn't a long task, a few clicks and I was done with that. Impulsive? Maybe, but what are the ramifications of such, of prolonging such a strenuous task? It feels weird to be back, I don't know anyone. I still miss BarleySeeAtAll or whatever her name was. But she left in like 2010, the beginning of the decade. Whatever, I'm here and it's the beginning of a new decade. Let's try not to mess this up. ...
So if you don't know, I love movies. They're just a visual representation of stories and it's neat when you think of the different ways characters or aspects of the movies are portrayed. The last movie I saw was "A Cure for Wellness", it was a psychological thriller that had little cool tidbits that you wouldn't get until you already got it. Make sense? It's a great movie when you really sit back and think, was this all real or a delusion? The next movie ...
Gender Differences in Brain Functional OrganizationDuring Verbal and Spatial Cognitive Challenges Zoltan J. Koles • John C. Lind • Pierre Flor-Henry Abstract This is a quantitative EEG study of gender-related differences in brain function. It is novel in that toelicit gender differences, it was necessary to apply a spatialfilter to the EEGs that was effective for suppressing com-ponents common to different cognitive ...