Blog Comments

  1. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    So Corona Virus is okay then, man, Mexicans are getting blamed for nothing? How do you feel about micro-aggressions?
  2. Slothy's Avatar
    Seriously, don't call it Wuhan disease. Just because it originated in that region many people who do use the name "Wuhan disease" or "Wuhan flu" actually use it to disparage the region and chinese in general, and even inflame prejudice against them in the people too stupid to separate where a thing is from from the actual thing itself. It's a virus. Where it originated doesn't matter because where it originated won't impact whether you get it by the time it's gone global. There's also a history of people reacting irrationally to these colloquial names such as killing off large numbers of pigs for no reason during the swine flu epidemic based solely on the name.

    Corona virus or COVID-19 are fine. Literally everyone knows what they refer to. COVID-19 being better because it's more specific about the strain of corona virus that's an issue.
  3. Slothy's Avatar
    I'm not sure you understand. People who are polyamorous and pursue relationships of that type don't all date the same people. It's not like if I had a girlfriend and I also wanted to have a boyfriend that my girlfriend is also dating my boyfriend. That can be a thing people do but it doesn't have to be and it's probably not the case in most polyamorous relationships. I'll say it again that cheating is just violating an established boundary in a relationship. So if I had a girlfriend and we were both fine with the other dating or sleeping with other people on the condition they tell us they are and don't hide it from the other person, it would then be cheating if one hides the fact that they have another partner.
  4. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Slothy
    Certainly. But I see a lot of people conflate cheating with non-monogamous relationships and I feel the distinction is important, especially as polyamorous relationships become more common and more talked about. People can be in a non-monogamous relationship and still cheat just as cheating isn't a non-monogamous relationship structure.

    Ultimately cheating is cheating in any relationship paradigm as it's really just violating relationship boundaries set between the parties involved.
    But how do you separate cheating in a polyamorous relationship? If you don't like the partner that you partner has chosen to sleep with, now is that cheating?

    So technically, your relationship choice is no longer what you are attracted to, but what your partner is.
  5. Slothy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn
    Sure, but a cheating person can't exactly be called monogamous
    Certainly. But I see a lot of people conflate cheating with non-monogamous relationships and I feel the distinction is important, especially as polyamorous relationships become more common and more talked about. People can be in a non-monogamous relationship and still cheat just as cheating isn't a non-monogamous relationship structure.

    Ultimately cheating is cheating in any relationship paradigm as it's really just violating relationship boundaries set between the parties involved.
  6. Fynn's Avatar
    Sure, but a cheating person can't exactly be called monogamous
  7. Slothy's Avatar
    Cheating isn't the same thing as non-monogamy.
  8. Wolf Kanno's Avatar
    Monogany does exist in animals actually, so I wouldn't listen to this person trying to tell you otherwise. It actually has more advantages for species survival than polygamy.

    I'd say both sexes tend to hold grudges in terms of infidelity. I'd say the bias comes more from gender bias' that say men are always more likely to cheat than woman are, even though I believe the actual evidence dictates that it's closer to 50-50 than our society would care to admit to.
  9. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Lol, oh wait I get it. I think he is talking about something totally different than what you are referring to, maybe. Then again we don't know what the hell is going on, I am pretty sure that was she on purpose. If we follow the events surrounding him, the election, and America; then we could have more insight to what he was probably referring to.
  10. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Okay, so what are you saying?
  11. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    ?? Really, google eh. Okay.

    Brain Sex - Mior and Jessel, 1989 (it's a book, not a scientific paper)

    Hey, how come women and men use different hormones? Is it social construction that women and men are better at certain things, that men can do certain tasks better and differently than women, and vice versa?

    Why is it on a neuropsychological test of IQ, men have consistently (not always) our preformed women in visuospatial, and women typically out preform men in verbal/linguistic?
    (Neuropsychological Assessment, Bigler, Howieson, Lesak, Tranel) <- this is a course textbook that I had read during my undergrad

    "More recently, fMRI has been used todemonstrate gender differences in language lateralizationwith females showing a greater bilateralization than males"
    Gender Differences in Brain Functional Organization During Verbal and Spatial Cognitive Challenges, Flor-Henry, Roles, Lind.) <-- That's my email, in case you don't want to talk here
  12. Fynn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jenovajunkie
    Hahaha, man no. I am at a loss of words, do you honestly believe that?
    Well, considering you're quoting The NY Times and I've written a whole MA thesis on the subject...

    Yeah, I guess you do you man. I mean, what could I possibly know that uncle google won't make you a better specialist at!
  13. krissy's Avatar
    well, the first was after the recent protests. the second is 4 years ago, when obama was elected
  14. krissy's Avatar
    jenovajunkie, can you link a scientific paper that supports what you're trying to say?
  15. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn
    The only scientifically proven difference between the male and female brain is the size of the corpus callosum, and nobody is really sure what that influences. The rest is pop science sensationalism and confirmation bias.
    Hahaha, man no. I am at a loss of words, do you honestly believe that?
  16. Freya's Avatar
    I... what?

  17. Fynn's Avatar
    The only scientifically proven difference between the male and female brain is the size of the corpus callosum, and nobody is really sure what that influences. The rest is pop science sensationalism and confirmation bias.
    Updated 11-14-2016 at 08:46 PM by Fynn
  18. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Umm what does this say? It's a bit backwards lol. What time did that first tweet get tweeted? What is he talking about in the second tweet?
  19. krissy's Avatar
  20. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn
    Well, there's the VP being openly anti-LGBT in his policies. So you can expect marriage equality to go to hell.
    I guess, the only thing you would be missing is the laws of marriage? Like the taxation and stuff, but if you and you're partner are really in love; why wouldn't you just do it anyways? (Be married and together)

    If you decide to split, make it a clean break? I don't know, I am certain there's always a way around stuff. It's not like like the LGTB community is something that just appeared in the world.

    Expectations are different from actual happenings though, so we will have to wait and see. It's going to be a long fight, but there are people who are going to help certain parties. Remember this is a democracy, right?

    Trump in the electoral race is probably a lot different than Trump President Elect. Probably.
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