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Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels

I blog about visual novels as I read them.

  1. My Current VN Tier List

    by , 03-22-2017 at 01:02 AM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)
    I thought about making another Top 10 list with VNs I've read or changed opinion on since my last one, but I don't think it would be particularly representative. So hey, why not make a ranking of literally *all* VNs I've ever read? Sounds like fun!

    That being said, some of these novels are way too close to one another and hard to differentiate in how I feel about them. So I'm going to be doing this in tiers. I'll still try to sort the VNs in each individual tier from worst to best, ...

    Updated 09-30-2017 at 01:06 PM by Karifean

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