Blog Comments

  1. Jiro's Avatar
    gotta find that point where you can overbalance and just do trout for the sheer experience. gonna die eventually, may as well get as much in as you can. good, bad, dont matter. 's long as you got to sleep thinking yeah man it was a big day
  2. TrollHunter's Avatar
  3. Jiro's Avatar
    Not available in my country
  4. TrollHunter's Avatar
    It may be, lots to write about. Not to mention lots of thoughts to organize. I may stick to a more haphazard way of blogging or might just do like 1 different section per blog. Meh it just depends on what mood I'm in.
  5. demondude's Avatar
    Writing blogs like this is good for organising and considering your thoughts. Can be fun too. I expect this blog to be regular! :D
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