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  1. Leaving on a jet plane

    Or a car actually. Tomorrow through next Sunday (bit over a week) I will be gone to Boston to visit my mom. First time driving from South Carolina. I've taken the bus a few times from Ontario, which took about 12-14 hours, and I've had my moms husband drive me, which took about 7-8 hours. The drive will be about 16 or so hours this time. But luckily I will have my boyfriend to keep me company! And we will be staying with his cousin overnight, so that is convenient as well.

    I'm already ...
  2. Things Doge2048 Taught Me About Life

    -Sometimes you will make mistakes. They can turn out beneficial in the long run.
    -If you stop focusing on things so much and kind of go with the flow, it can lead to good things.
    -Sometimes you have to wait for the right piece of the puzzle to come along, no matter how long it seems to take.
    -Plans don't always work out and that's okay.
    -Sometimes things sort themselves out.
    -Comparing your score (life) to others can make you feel bad ...
  3. Up All Night

    I'm seriously debating starting to stay up all night, doing all of my stuff at night, and sleeping all day. That way, I won't be so lonely until my boyfriend gets home from work.

    Also, I have a blog now. Anyone is welcome to read it and I just appreciate anyone taking the time to even look at it.

    I'm going to try to write or find something to do.
  4. I should write more

    I am going to try and sit down and do thirty minutes to an hour of writing everyday. Even if I'm staring at the screen with writer's block. I am going to try and get a book out eventually and no one will read it, but that's okay! I have been writing this story in my head since I was a little girl and darn it if I'm not going to write it eventually!

    Also going to try to go for more walks and draw something everyday.

    Updated 02-18-2014 at 04:34 AM by Pumpkin

  5. Irrational fear

    My son is basically the same age my brother was when he died. I've been having bad dreams about something bad happening lately and it is scaring me a little bit. Or a lot. More than it should.

    I don't really know what else to say. I miss him and I'm scared something will happen to him and I'll never see him again or see him grow up and I feel so stuck. I can't seem to get my life straight so that I can take care of him properly. I feel like an awful person.

    My mom tells ...
  6. My Spanish learning blog

    So I had taken a break from many things in my life because of what happened when my son came to visit and I was a sad Panda. But now it is time I move on and focus again towards getting where I want to be. Part of which is learning Spanish! So I will be making/updating a blog frequently with my progress.

    So here are my tools:
    -2 Spanish workbooks, one more advanced than the other.
    -A Spanish in 10 minutes a day CD.
    -Spanish flashcards.
    -150 sticky notes with ...
  7. I need someone to talk to

    But I don't want to bother anyone.

    If anyone feels like listening to someone whine and complain, PM me :P
  8. My son

    I am going to talk about my son here because I miss him and it feels nice sometimes.

    He is beginning to pronounce his words better, which is great.
    He is really good about sharing with other kids and is very friendly and sociable.
    I will be going to visit him in April and sharky may be coming with us, which would be great.
    He doesn't like baked beans.
    He now loves Spaghetti and meatballs.
    He enjoys any kind of smoothie, as long as it has strawberry and ...

    Updated 01-13-2014 at 09:29 PM by Pumpkin

  9. Je suis de retour

    Made it back up to top thread starter and got up to 3000 posts.

  10. 100 Things to do in 2014!

    Sharky and I made a list of 100 things to do in 2014. Some are couple stuff, some are personal. I thought it would be fun to share some of them

    1. Get a job
    2. Save money
    3. Make a new friend
    4. Work out together
    6. Go hiking someplace new
    7. Go camping
    8. Write more of my story

    15. Play a Suikoden marathon
    16. Play a Xenosaga + Xenogears + Xenoblade marathon
    17. Play a Final Fantasy marathon
    18. Stick to the ...