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Personal Life

Gamers have lives! And if they run out of them, they best hope they'll have a continue left.

  1. The Top Ten Debate

    My friend asked me the most difficult question ever the other day. What my Top Ten games of all time would be. I wasn't able to answer right off the bat either. It REALLY got me thinking about what would define a favorite game. Would it be how much you enjoyed it? How much impact it left on you? How much playtime you had? All these questions and more kept coming to mind. Damn...

    In the end, after an hour or so, yes an hour of thought over this of all subjects, I came to a conclusion. ...
  2. I'm in the computer lab... with my friend Lucy.

    Just chilling in the computer lab with my friend Lucy. Yeah, she told me to shut my whore mouth. So, I decided to just try my hand at this. Anyways. She is laughing. Right now. just laughing. As I type more she laughs more. wtf Lucy. Wtf the smurf smurf duck. Lucy is just silly... done now. I'll be super serious later, when she isn't around being stupid. My friend Hannah is freaking out about dinosaurs. Yeah, she loves those things. It really is adorable. My friend Kristen is just being all quite ...
    Tags: death, lucy Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life