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ToriJ Video Game Reviews

ToriJ's Video Game Reviews is dedicated to reviews every Monday of games new and old ranging from the PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, Sega and Windows PC.

  1. Best of luck to Square Enix

    So much irony in me saying these words.

    My thoughts are with the Square Enix team working on the Final Fantasy VII Remake and I wish them all the best. The amount of pressure they're going to get working on something that is considered the best RPG of all time by millions could kill a person. No matter what they do, people are going to bitch when the game doesn't live up to their expectations.

    They could keep EVERYTHING from the original game in it and I still predict ...
  2. April Lineup

    I tried posting this earlier but the wind kept knocking out the power. It was very annoying. Anyways now that March is pretty much behind us here's my schedule for the Month of April.

    7th: WWF Attitude [PSX]
    14th: Assassin's Creed III [X360]
    21st: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty [PC]
    28th: Final Fantasy VII [PSX]

    And yes, I will be doing a Let's Play thread for VII. Are you excited? I'm excited. (ACIII sucks) but it follows American history! (I rest my ...
  3. Next Final Fantasy Reviews are...

    And one by one fiends will die by my hand
    A look at what I've become...
    This fantasy is far from final
    The best has yet to come...

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