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  1. Branching Out

    I have some good news, and bad news, so I'll start off by getting the bad news out of the way.

    The bad news is that after much thought I'm not doing those other articles even as a weekly thing. I don't have the drive to do them anymore. They were fun for a while as an experiment, but I ran out of ideas pretty quickly. However, I'll still be branching out to new fields.

    This brings me to the good news. There have been something I wanted to do for a while now, but it ...
  2. The Big Week

    Boy from Kansas coming through. Follow the yellow brick road! Follow the yellow brick road! Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road! We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!

    What's up EoFF? We did it, IX just barely managed to crawl out with the win eliminating X-2 and butts were sore. Mine is still sore from the spanking Psychotic gave me. "No, Tori. That's a very bad Tori. Go to your room and think about what you've done!" It looks ...
  3. Gabrielle Trailer

    Gabrielle [Canon]
    Zora C. Manson [Original]
    Ares [Canon]
    Kaso [Original]

    The scene fade into the Crystal Expanse. A large brown, wooden ship comes out of a rift in the sky, the rift closing behind it as the ship falls through the air towards the ground, sliding across the ice and slowing down just a few inches away from the wall. Gabrielle stands up to her feet, and looks around.

    Gabrielle: This does not look like Egypt.

  4. When Worlds Collide Season 2 Trailer

    Tori Jacobs [Original]
    Imai Katayo [Original]
    Zira Firestone [Original]
    Fukari [Original]
    Sparda [Canon]
    Iron Man [Canon]
    Kragen [Original]
    Garrus Vakarian [Canon]
    Sincara [Original]
    Aminee Starlight [Original]
    Chloe [Original]
    Gabrielle [Canon]
    Ranko [Original]
    Bane [Canon]
    Ghost [Original]

    The scene opens on a closeup of Tori's face while guns sound off. We cut to the tombstones ...
  5. Branching out & Patreon

    Hi, EoFF. Boy, I've been a busy bee for the past couple of weeks.

    To start off, several months back I made a thread about branching out with my reviews, which saw a truckload of anime requests. Mr. Vivi22 was even kind enough to recommend a couple of Uwe Boll movies. Please, feel free to thank Mr. Vivi after I leave 8D *cough* Anyway, here's a long overdue update on that.

    After I reviewed 100 games (and I'm already 12 reviews away from that goal) I plan to review my first ...
  6. Frustrated Writer Present

    Yeah, yeah, I know. Frustrated writer is so original.

    Technically, I write pretty regularly when it comes to my reviews, but when it comes to the fiction I used to write I've fallen back quite a bit. I was working on a novel, even made it as far as chapter nine, but then I got burnt out and never went back to it. The last time I saw something through to the end that wasn't a review was an old Harry Potter fanfic I wrote in a notebook pencil and all before I even had a computer. Somehow, ...
  7. Women's Month (video game edition)

    My last review for February is already written, proofed and ready to be published on my blog on the 24th. After that I'm dedicating March (AKA Women's Month) to reviewing games with female leads. The list is as followed:

    Mar 3rd: Tomb Raider [PSX]
    Mar 10th: Metroid Prime [GCN]
    Mar 17th: Bayonetta [X360]
    Mar 24th: The Longest Journey [PC]
    Mar 31st: Dreamfall: The Longest Journey [PC]

    Special thanks to Loony BoB for pointing me in the direction of ...

    Updated 02-22-2014 at 10:18 AM by Ayen

    Video Games , Internet , Miscellaneous
  8. Woohoo! Two dollars!

    So far this month I made two dollars (not counting tax) off my blog. Yeah, I know, that's not a lot of money. It's not the amount that has me excited, it's the fact that this is money I actually earned that has me happy. Never really had a job before this (not proud of it just telling the truth) so knowing that something I put work into is generating even a little money is a nice feeling. Plus, with the money I already have in the bank and the cash money I've been holding onto I have a moderately ...
  9. There were only two survivors in the final days

  10. One of these things...

    One of these things is not like the other,
    one of these things just doesn't belong!

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