Late to the party here. Liked the move a lot. I'm actually glad they retconned things because I felt that The Last Stand was pretty awful, so now hopefully they can make a better film around that idea if they choose to do so again. They got damn good actors to play X and Magneto. I wouldn't mind seeing a couple more films with those two guys alone!
I'm a little bit frustrated at the fact that they retconned everything, but X-Men 3 truly was a blight so it's nice to have that gone. I will be interested to see if the Dark Phoenix saga gets a second shot since it seems to be a fan favourite, and Logan having memories of three different time-lines should really add a cool dimension, if they play it right.
The post-credits scene of X-Men 3 shows us a guy in a coma and Charles voice coming from him, so he switched his mind into a different body. Why does the body look like him? Smuft if I know. I'm glad to forget that movie ever happened, really.
Originally Posted by Quin To be honest, I'm still a little confused as to why Professor X was even alive. Didn't he die? :s To be honest, I'm confused by the whole thing, too. I've read that it was possible that he used his mind powers to "give the illusion" of his dead, meaning it wasn't really him there. This might be the most plausible theory. One thing's for sure, Days of Future Past was a "get out of explaining this for free" card for the writers.
To be honest, I'm still a little confused as to why Professor X was even alive. Didn't he die? :s
Originally Posted by ToriJ If there's one flaw to Bryan's directing it's at times he seems afraid to embrace the mutants powers and what they can do. With the exception being Wolverine and Nightcrawler, a lot of the mutants and their powers seem toned down when you compare them to the comics or even the cartoon. Maybe this is more of a budget thing, I don't know. I just want to see Storm flying through the smurfing air and owning trout. Same with Magneto and Jean. It has to be maintaining a budget w/o resorting to mediocre effects. Thankfully, what they do use is high quality. One thing I should've mentioned was that the movies are visually amazing.
If there's one flaw to Bryan's directing it's at times he seems afraid to embrace the mutants powers and what they can do. With the exception being Wolverine and Nightcrawler, a lot of the mutants and their powers seem toned down when you compare them to the comics or even the cartoon. Maybe this is more of a budget thing, I don't know. I just want to see Storm flying through the smurfing air and owning trout. Same with Magneto and Jean.