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Eyes on Final Fantasy

For anything to do with the site, from the forums to the frontsite, the chatroom to the blogs, the fanart section to the bowling team... blog about it here!

  1. Geek cred

    So, I taught myself to read and write in Eorzean tonight. As a bonus point, the example I made is saying something geeky!

  2. Heckling

    It sucks when I see something that I want to heckle but it's in EoEO.
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    Eyes on Final Fantasy
  3. Want to learn Mafia?

    This came up in the EC.

    Fishing for interest in a Mini-Mafia game (played on your reg EoFF accounts) using a teaching setup, (heavily) style with a few modifications to suit EoFF.

    The idea is for people who are new to Mafia to get a basic idea about how the game is played before DK hosts the next big game, so that you don't wind up floundering about like...well, me in Anniversary Mafia. Ideally, I'll want at least one, but no more than 3 experienced Mafia ...
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    Eyes on Final Fantasy
  4. EC recruiting entry

    So this might not mean trout to most, but JOIN THE EVENTS COMMITTEE TODAY

    It's seriously the most fun EoFF has to offer

    Remember that noncommittal answer I had when BoB asked me if it was OK for me to be considered as a CK competition winner? If I had known how awesome the EC was, the answer would have been an unqualified no. That's how much ass the EC kicks. They provide all of the benefits of staff hood with none of the horsetrout.

    Join the EC today. ...

    Updated 12-14-2012 at 07:34 AM by Citizen Bleys

    Eyes on Final Fantasy
  5. WILTY?: We Have Liftoff

    First Game is up


    Audience comment thread is here

    EDIT: Not even one page in and we have our first scrotum picture request...

    Updated 12-14-2012 at 12:38 AM by Citizen Bleys

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    Eyes on Final Fantasy
  6. Nostalgia

    You know what I haven't done in a while? Heckled the staff. I miss it.

    I haven't got any ammo, though.
  7. Let me tell you about my ROMANTIC dream

    Here's what I'd love to see happen in WILTY?:

    1) I come in as a player. One of my opponents gets hit with a lie I wrote. I get to say "$presenterName, you scun, I wrote that lie. Roll another."

    2) Someone without a racist bone in their body pulls "I am deathly afraid of black people." Bonus points if the contestant in question is black.

    Obviously, 2) is not going to happen in the game I present, since I posted it now and therefore ...
  8. WILTY? Bonus Round?

    I'm thinking of having a bonus round for WILTY? open to everybody but that round's players where I post two of the unused lies and one unused true statement in a poll and see who can guess which one is true.
  9. Triple Triad

    ...much more fun than I was expecting.

    Now that I think of it, it may have been the best part of FF8, too...I tend to shut FF8 out of my mind.
  10. Emergency maintenances make me sad

    I get the feeling that FFXI will have another emergency maintenance tomorrow, and once again, it is sure to start as soon as I get out of bed and end once it's too late for me to play. I'm also ready to take a break from the drudgework in Operation: Wanker, at least for a day or two.

    So, if this happens, is there anybody other than crusty oldbies who would give a rodent's hindquarters if I did another EoFF Audio Introduction?

    It's been 10 years since I've done one, ...
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