Blog Comments

  1. Melissaur's Avatar
    Pretty much. all the doors and windows are open and every fan is on and I'm still sweating The worst part is I'm not doing anything, I'm just sitting here. I can't wait for winter
  2. G13's Avatar
    That's the thing about high school chicks. He keeps gettin' older but they stay the same age.
  3. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    I was totally in high school, I'm in it for the girls.
  4. Bunny's Avatar
    Man, colleges out in California must really suck.
  5. Shlup's Avatar
    What are you, in high school? Why is everything blocked??
  6. Peegee's Avatar
    mess with the computers. This one time I used all of the computers in a lab to ping flood a site I didn't like :)