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Rio de Emocion

Kotora's adventures into academics and climbing the social and professional ladder

  1. Status update: Meow-meow confirmed alive!

    Seems like we all got carried away by cultural stereotypes. The little Chinese kitty was spotted alive and kicking in the Chinese restaurant I saw him getting carried into last week. They even have an older cat walking around the place, so I guess they don't eat cats there.

    At least for now.
  2. Where meow-meow? You eat meow-meow?

    There's nothing like a ride on a Chinese train. As soon as you enter the smell of hundreds of smoking, spitting and drinking Chinese people enters your nostrils and your first thought might be to just throw up. Though with the prospects of riding this smoking red dragon for two and a half hours (standing places too - the trains are filled to the brim with people), it's a good idea to start adapting to this place!

    And adapting is easy in China. I'm crossing traffic at random, spitting ...
  3. Musings on my last night in Russia

    What's it like to be a fattie who doesn't give a smurf and eats whatever he wants? I've had that thought running through my head for a while. Maybe because this whole country has a general atmosphere of nobody giving a smurf.

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    A bag of red kaviar flavored chips. It's not nearly as good as it sounds.

    Two greasy kebabs, a double burger (a great $6 one, though), a troutload of snickers, chips, a bag of chocolate candies, beans, ...
  4. Eyes on Pop Culture and Aesthetics - Genius Party

    For all of y'all into animation dealing with the surreal, amazing imagery and the dreariness of life in a consumer society, Genius Party should be an interesting watch.

    This short animation anthology combines visual elements of industrialism, postmodern urban life, with a search for the extraordinary. Often taking place on the outskirts of society, representing itself as factories and abandoned buildings at the edge of the city. Some of the works take a more subtle approach by placing ...

    Updated 05-20-2013 at 01:24 AM by kotora

    Internet , Music , Film & Television , Miscellaneous
  5. Gametalk!

    Time to review in short some of the games I've started playing this week. Because it's better to start off with the bad news, Crysis 2 is up first, followed by Super Meat Boy, Sim City 4 and Unreal Tournament 2004. That's right we're also gonna do some retro gaming!

    also kudoz to mr. Yeargdribble for this format

    Crysis 2 is the sequel to the game that shocked the gaming world in 2007 with it's awesome graphics. The open gameplay was pretty good too, although people ...

    Updated 04-05-2011 at 10:54 PM by kotora

  6. God damnit

    Know that feeling when writing a paper that's almost due and you feel like you've smurfed yourself for choosing a subject that's too complicated to fit in the limited amount of words you're allowed to use? That's what I just did. While I know that this is supposed to be a learning experience so I don't make the same mistake twice, I just smurfing hate having to finish it with an incomplete feeling, like I did a second-rate job.

    I'm probably gonna receive a 7,5 or something while some ...
  7. payin' tha cost to be tha boss

    Tl;dr version: people are weird

    My recent adventures into the social world of academic life have made me raise some questions about the futility of my intentions. Here I am, talking to all these students, trying to raise my own social status one step at a time. These people however, seemed pretty stupid. A few days ago, I was at one of these so-called "social drinks" of the faculty association (faculty of history, cultural and media sciences).

    Although I've ...
  8. k-pop ^^

    I saw a NatGeo documentary about North Korea yesterday. Of course we all know it's pretty much the most retarded country in the world, and the doc did a good job of confirming that once again. They managed to convince the regime to let in a camera crew into the country because they were travelling with an eye surgeon who was going there to teach their doctors how to perform basic surgery on people suffering from blindness because of cataracts (caused by their crap nutrition).

    I think ...

    Updated 02-27-2011 at 11:04 AM by kotora

    News & Politics
  9. Welcome to the tora zone

    In my ever continuing quest to move up in this world, I've decided to start writing. I made a LinkedIn account yesterday (because you're not professional until you have one!) and there was this field where you could fill in your skills and stuff, and I saw I didn't really any skills that are useful in the world of professional douches so I just picked "writing and editing". I have no idea what I'm going to write about, but I can at least start with blog posts that nobody cares about. ...
    Tags: hipster Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life , Internet
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