Blog Comments

  1. Sephex's Avatar
    Sounds like a fun, action packed dream!
  2. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
    I wonder if any princesses ever actually wore the cone hat.
  3. Jiro's Avatar
    Last night foa was in my dream and she saved my life.
  4. Shaibana's Avatar
    Lol thats weird..
    1 once woke and saw that i still had 20 min before the alarm... so i went back to sleep again.
    i was sort of sleeping half and when i woke up again i had 20 minutes on the clock again :S
    i went back sleeping again, woke up... still 20 minutes..

    so i dreamed that i was dreaming while dreaming that i was half asleep.
    Dreamception xD .. longest 20 min of my life
  5. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
  6. Jiro's Avatar
    At first I thought my cameo was being the crazy dismembering fella. Somewhat strange in that I dreamt I was awesome last night so I was obviously MegaPow.
  7. Freya's Avatar
    o.o What. the. hell.
  8. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
  9. Shlup's Avatar
    This is the best I could come up with for a comforting and supportive comment. This right here.
  10. Shattered Dreamer's Avatar
    Wow foa that sucks All I can really say is that these things don't hurt as bad with time not that that helps right now but it's true
  11. Laddy's Avatar
    I'm sorry about the loss of your friend, foa.
  12. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    Lol, MegaPow is famous.
  13. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    Oh man that sucks. I feel for you.
  14. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    This is even better than the dream I had where I was raped by Carlos Santana with Guile's theme playing in the background, then went to IHOP and met my ex-girlfriend, where I promptly tore off both of her ears, and watched as literally gallons of blood poured from the sides of her head. Followed by an evening of insane Nyan cat sex on a cheesecake-flavored mountaintop.
  15. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    Wow. My last dream was me and a few friends getting into a physical fight with some crazy old ladies while waiting in a line that was somewhere between a cafeteria lunch line, and a socialist breadline.

    You win. Especially your Picasso revolver.
  16. Laddy's Avatar
    I smell an Oscar!
  17. Pumpkin's Avatar
    So was this the anger stage you were telling me about? If so, I'm glad I left when I did. O_O
  18. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
  19. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    You're going to a big star in Japan. I'm tempted to throw my bra on stage.
  20. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
    I bruise easily, so I always have a random bruise here and there without having any idea how I got it xD

    That looks painful. You should put nail polish on! I find I don't notice the pain so much when I can't see the boo boo that it is coming from.
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