Blog Comments

  1. Shaibana's Avatar
    i gotta say that latelty i feel verry clumpsy to :P
    as if im cursed... 1 day i was riding a quad and it broke :o next day the same happened with a car.
    i almost refused to touch the sledge, becaus god knows whatll happen.

    2 dogs were fighting so i rushed to theyre kennel and bumped my thumb becaus i slipped on the ice, wich got bended backward... aw man that hurts
    its been almost a week and it still hurt a bit :o
  2. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    How is this a ballad?

    Make it an 80's ballad.
  3. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    I smashed my pinky in my window about a week and a half ago and I still have the bruise under my nail.
  4. Del Murder's Avatar
    I pee less on good days because it means I am busy and don't need to kill time by drinking water or peeing.
  5. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    Glad today was better. Maybe on bad days you could try some adult diapers.
  6. Shlup's Avatar
    I do not understand your hypothesis at all.
  7. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
  8. demondude's Avatar
  9. Laddy's Avatar
    Oh, and *hug*
  10. Laddy's Avatar
    You haven't heard my song yet!
  11. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    * bear hugs everyone*
  12. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkythesharkdogg
    *also joins the hug* *breathes heavily* *holds everyone together a little too long*

    mmmmmmmmmmm........yeah. That was good.
    *allows this*
  13. Shaibana's Avatar
    *quickly shakes sharky off*

    p.s reminds me of: Voldemort Hugs Draco - Extended Cut
    Updated 10-25-2011 at 11:14 PM by Shaibana
  14. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    *also joins the hug* *breathes heavily* *holds everyone together a little too long*

    mmmmmmmmmmm........yeah. That was good.
  15. Jiro's Avatar
    *group hug*
  16. Freya's Avatar
  17. Jiro's Avatar
    I bet the other people didn't call on the internets!
  18. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    I refuse to accept that as a reality. \

  19. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkythesharkdogg
    What's she's failed to mention is that she's the awesome person working her ass off organizing and running the whole operation. Kudos to FOAz.
    Noo, other people are doing just as much as I am. Really.
  20. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    What's she's failed to mention is that she's the awesome person working her ass off organizing and running the whole operation. Kudos to FOAz.