Blog Comments

  1. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
    Can we keep him?
  2. Parker's Avatar
    i just ran my slut algorithm over ur post history and oh boy youre not gonna be pleased with the results
  3. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    Wow, a fake date with a fake jealous ex-"botfriend" making obviously fake insults. DD really goes all out for his games.

    Since everything else is fake, my 6'3" 275lb frame of solid muscle TOTALLY whipped his ass.
  4. rubah's Avatar
    bots have social issues, too!
  5. Yar's Avatar
  6. Shlup's Avatar
    But it also said you have a boyfriend. Congratulations!
  7. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    I like to let the hair grow long and then shave it off and rub my legs rub rub rub and then get in bed and wiggle between sheets and it's awesome.
  8. rubah's Avatar
    my mom kept bugging me about having not shaved recently enough to suit her.

    "mom. wtf am I trying to impress in this town? I don't care if my legs have 2mm hairs on them"
    "but, but how can you stand it?!"
    "I am a badass. That is how"

    see foa, just don't give a trout
  9. Shaibana's Avatar
    hhaha its so random, but so funny to read (not in a ´im-making-fun-of-you-way´ :o)
  10. Shorty's Avatar
    It was me, you heartless woman.
  11. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    Shorty, you hate all kinds of words.

    Was it you or Manny we were torturing that time? Moist mucus.
  12. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    This is a quality blog. Approved. All slang words for vagina sound pretty bad though.
  13. Shorty's Avatar
    I hate this topic. The term "vaginae" makes me squirm. >:{
  14. KentaRawr!'s Avatar
    Google+? What's that?
  15. rubah's Avatar
    I am for vaginas
  16. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    You're a strange one, foa.
  17. Rostum's Avatar
    Oh my god he loves that strawberry. Look at him! He's all like "OMG STRAWBERRY NOM". I also like turtles.
  18. Freya's Avatar
    OOOOOHHH MANNNNN I freaking love turtles! That picture is AWESOME!!
  19. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
    I saw this turtle just hauling ass across our back yard today. I mean, for a turtle. It was like a cat trotting!
  20. Jiro's Avatar
    He is so frakking happy to be eating that strawberry.