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  1. Information is the enemy

    [I wanted to rant on this issue, but I figured EoEO might be tired of my anti-Obama speeches. Though it is his fault for continuing to give me so much material. ]

    To the government, information is the enemy. That is why the US government has demonized Wikileaks, because it threatens to shame governments for their misconduct. So-called issues of “national security” may have merit on certain, specific occasions, but the broad way the label is used makes it clear that that is not the ...

    Updated 06-05-2013 at 02:30 AM by Raistlin

    News & Politics
  2. Things that piss me off

    A couple of instances of mind-numbing stupidity that have been on my mind lately.

    Obama and his adoring fans: The other day, Obama announced that he supports same-sex marriage, at least according to the mainstream media and many liberals. My Facebook has been full of posts regarding this "monumental" occasion where a US President endorses gay marriage rights. Except... he didn't. Spurred on by Vice-President Biden's unqualified support for gay marriage, Obama tentatively ...
    Tags: drugs, obama, sexism Add / Edit Tags
    News & Politics
  3. Now instead of doctor, little kids can play TSA agent

    I have not been around much lately due to work and, well, life. But I still try to browse the web at some point each day to see what stupid, ridiculous, and nonsensical things are going on. I sometimes even manage to stumble across the occasional good thing.

    So earlier this year, Georgia passed a law, the purpose of which was to drive illegal immigrants out of the state and thereby creating more job opportunities for honest Americans. And it succeeded; illegal immigrants left Georgia ...

    Updated 06-23-2011 at 05:18 AM by Raistlin

    News & Politics
  4. Stuff That Pisses Me Off

    Outside of the Egypt fiasco, which everyone is already talking about. I've had some appalling links piling up and needed to rant about them somewhere.

    US border agent fired for saying in a casual conversation that legalizing drugs would help stop black market violence. In other words, speaking the truth. People have asked me why I would prefer being a criminal defense attorney to a prosecutor, and they inevitably say that they'd have a terrible moral problem defending a rapist or ...

    Updated 02-03-2011 at 04:01 AM by Raistlin

    News & Politics