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  1. Hello to all EoFF user.

    Hello I'm new in this fansite, My name is Daniel. Greetings.
  2. Updated My Journal

  3. Hello, is anyone out there?

    Hi members of eyesonFF,
    I am new here. (obviously;D) If you wanna get to know a little more about me please visit and be a watcher on Or friend me here! I love to get to know you! Thanks!
  4. Here's to New Beginnings!

    Recently I've started down a road to a new life, with a fresh slate and I'm leaving all my baggage behind. Hooray for breaking points and healing! I'm managing stressful situations with ease and I'm applying to go back to school since the military won't pan out with how things are with custody issues, they want me to give it up to join and that's just not happening, and I'm applying for several jobs until then.

    My confidence is through the roof in the perspective of what it once was, ...
  5. AndreBreton3000

  6. I Want You

  7. One of my co-workers just got convicted of child pornography

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  8. Procrastination of the highest degree.

    The following entry brought to you by: copypasta

    But it's true. I was supposed to have turned in my hourly associate reviews by this morning, aaaaaaand I kinda haven't even started on them. Granted, as long as MY boss gets them before the start of business Monday, it's all fine. But when you set a soft cap deadline of Friday night, and then Saturday night comes and goes and you don't even start on a thing, well... yeah. I'm a little bad about that, I suppose.

    Personal Life
  9. My recipe book

    My recipe book is coming along nicely. I have a goal of 300 recipes and I have over 200 now . I find my recipes from cookbooks, magazines, websites, other people, family recipes, and my own recipes that I've come up with. I haven't even made all of the ones in the cookbook and I'm excited to try them.

    In case anyone is curious, here are the recipes I have. I would be glad to give them away if any look interesting .

    Breakfast Dishes
    Baked Ham and Cheese Omelet Roll
  10. Would you like a copy of FTL: Faster Than Light?

    SC2 events seemed to fail to coalesce, so anyone interested in winning a copy of FTL: Faster Than Light on Steam just go to the events thread below and post. I'll be doing the draw on Friday and we're having an FTL get together this weekend which will include a special guest.
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