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  1. I was in a bathroom stall at work today.

    Some guy next to me let out a fart that went on for a solid 30 seconds. I wanted to note this here.
  2. let's compare two systems. One is government and the other is voluntaryism

    I ask a girl out. She says yes. We go out and she finds my racist attitudes and bigotry and pro ron paul rantings irritable. She says don't call me again. I oblige.

    This is voluntaryism. Two people, in this example, start to interact voluntarily and when the subjective standards of one party are not being met, the interaction is ceased.

    I ask a girl out. She says no. I feel upset. I feel entitled to the girl's vagina. I call the tribal leader of my group and offer him ...
  3. Where's Mandee?


    This video is suggesting that California's standards were higher than the federal government's standards.

    News & Politics
  4. hm..

  5. .

    When I watched Obama's inauguration address I was filled with tears. Not because your country finally elected a black man, or because I had any trust that he could fulfill his campaign promises, or because Ron Paul didn't win and McCain is on his death bed.

    But because I saw in the eyes of Americans the hope and aspirations for the country that they wanted America to be. They had within the last 10 years gone from a relatively ignorant but promising time to being kicked down and crawled ...
  6. Things a President Paul can do

    so the daily paul has an article of 'what could president paul do?'

    because the role of the president is specific, and because (as Dignified Toland keeps saying) he can't introduce bills HIMSELF, I started to think again of what a president paul could do. Here's a list:

    President Paul could:

    - order every troop worldwide to return to usa. this would do the following in one order:
    1) close gitmo
    2) stop nation building
    3) stop needless ...
  7. protip: NOT probable cause

    News & Politics
  8. wow

    normally I would be like lol but this is just upsetting :(




    [img] ...
    News & Politics
  9. Read this

    just... read this :P

    when you open it you will problably put it away inmediatly becaus its korean
    but not so fast!!
    just scroll down a bit for a comic in english!

    enjoy! its worth it
  10. "Now that’s justice for Trayvon"


    Justice for Trayvon!

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