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Personal Life

Gamers have lives! And if they run out of them, they best hope they'll have a continue left.

  1. Game Design, recent gaming achievements and other miscellaneousness!

    Well, it's been a while since I found the time for one of these. Ironically, I've been out of work since the beginning of the month, have nothing but time, and still I drag my heels.

    But anyway, some recent happenings before I dive into the main thrust of this blog post. I finally got around to playing Assassin's Creed 2 after hearing Ubisoft had seen fit to ditch the absurd DRM they used in the PC version with the PC version of Brotherhood. My boycott of their games now ended, I ...
    Video Games , Personal Life
  2. Oh snap

    Gah, I just realized it's been seven years since my father passed away to cancer.

    RIP dad.
    Personal Life
  3. Bold what applies

    Yeah, I have no life and I love doing these kind of things.

    bold what applies to you

    I have/had piercings besides the ears.
    I want piercings besides the ears.
    I have many scars.
    I tan easily.
    I wish my hair was a different color.
    I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
    I have/want a tattoo.
    I can be self-conscious about my appearance.
    I have/had braces.

    I have more than two piercings. ...
    Personal Life
  4. Big life-changing event.

    I hate keeping secrets, so.

    I lost my virginity today.

    It was nice. We did it in a grassy secluded meadow near the woods. Hurt just a little, but it felt good being so close to my boyfriend, looking into his eyes the whole time. It was truly bonding, permanently, and afterwards we held each other and whispered how much we care for each other. Then we went over to his house and had dinner with his family and went out for water ice.

    But damn, what a night...I ...
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    Personal Life
  5. Happy Independence Day!

    I'm so excited. I have never gone 10 freaking days without seeing him since we first met. I'm probably gonna tackle him and crush his ribs from the giant bear hug I'm gonna give him.

    Also, another "best friend who promised she would never leave me" turned on me. Saying I've changed. I don't see how I've changed except grown a spine, overcome my depression ...
    Personal Life
  6. Ugh. The Save Crystal.

    by , 07-01-2011 at 12:59 PM (Parkers Poop Paradise)
    I've fallen victim to the save crystal glitch in the Northern Crater and I've lost over 50 hours of play.

    My last non-messed up save is just before the temple of the ancients.

    I don't know what all this returners/warriors thing is all about but this glitch has forced me to side with whichever groups aren't affiliated with 7.

    The hardest part? I have to watch Aeris die all over again...

    ...can a heart break twice?
  7. Home sweet home.

    So I just got back from a mini-vacation at the beach. It sucked because it rained while we were at the beach on Tuesday so we had to sprint with all of our beach gear back to our hotel...which was about a half mile away. 'twas fun. I hope to do it again sometime...not.

    Anyway, I found out that for the 2010-2011 tournament season...I'm the taekwondo state champ in weapons! And in forms! I was really excited when I heard the news because I had worked my ass off for months perfecting ...
    Tags: summer, taekwondo Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life
  8. I Do Things

    To all of you who neglected to even nominate me for "Most Likely to Limit Break a Post," you can go right ahead and suck some part of male genitals that I may or may not have.

    Also, I have no idea what's going on with this EoFF gang war thing. There's a whole thread about it in the staff forum and I'm like a secret police or some tit and I feel like I've walked into a colony of gremlins. If I'm police does that mean I can brutalize ban people at will? I mean more people than ...
  9. New blog! Been a while...

    Hey guys, I know! I promised a blog every week...But im a busy guy! Hope you've all been holding up well!.
    Right lets get down to business, Gonna give more insight into my life, some game talk etc. Hope you guys enjoy!

    Just recently had my leavers ball for college, for a last hurrah! It was pretty fun! Got pretty drunk and discovered purple rain for the first time... x] Sad to think that i wont see a lot of the people there ever again, but we gotta move on dont we? Now the ...
  10. Your Majesty

    Thursday is currently my favorite day of the week. Why? Because I enjoy the sounds of servants bustling around me. My lawn gets mowed, my cypress trees clipped, my hedges trimmed (not sexually), and the pool boy comes to be sure, as the days grow warmer, that I have clean water to lounge in during my leisure time. Also, the guy who fixed the garage door was kind of cute.

    Also, BJ has Fridays off all summer, so on Thursdays we can stay up late together. Throughout the year, Thursday ...
    Tags: queen shlup Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life