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Personal Life

Gamers have lives! And if they run out of them, they best hope they'll have a continue left.

  1. The first slap round the face of 2011

    Blog number 2 and I have some bad news!

    My new band, the one I started with 2 professional session musicians I met back in October, the drummer lost his job and has decided to leave Dublin and move to London to find work

    So it's beginning to look increasingly more likely that band number 8 is just about dead! I'm seriously getting sick of this sh*t! Last year I put 6 months of work into getting band 7 off the ground and thanks to the attitude of an ultimately flakey ...
  2. Already 6 years here? Sure is long isn't it?

    Dear Eoff and Eoffers and who this might concern,

    Wow, I realized I have spent six years here in EoFF although I think I am only active for like half or less than that duration! But the thing is I still remember to come back here every now and then!

    I find it kinda hard to believe that I actually didn't forget about this place nor most of the people here! Although most of them that I knew aren't active anymore but hey, I get to know new people too as time ...
  3. Things I've been doing of late

    I've been a busy bee of late. I still check eoff but you might have noticed a drop in actual posting. Or might not have.... Jerks.

    • Working lots. I have acquired 4 jobs in the past like 3 months and it's so sporadic when I work. 4 part time jobs that is, can't seem to get one good fulltime job here in oklahoma. Unless I want to work for Halliburton and smurf that.

    • Reading a LOT. I've finished quite a few books lately.

    • Learning Swedish! Yeah.
  4. Who's ever heard of a dreamer that can't sleep?

    I've never blogged before, ever! So I suppose if I am to start might as well start with something that is really bothering me lately!

    I don't remember the last time I got a goodnight's sleep! I would say it has been years! The kind of restful sleep were when you wake up the next day you feel rested, fully recharged and ready to grab life by the scruff of the neck.

    The problem seems to stem from this weird burst of energy I seem to get around about midnight every night ...
    Personal Life
  5. Some Bassic Twaddle

    So, less than a week ago I got my new bass. A Rickenbacker 4003 Fireglo and by the gods is it awesome. With a punching trebly tone that any bass player who doesn't like being at the back and being unheard would kill for. This thing is a beast. A destroyer of worlds that when let loose amongst the backline of any band in any genre of music it will dominate and it will ravage, reap and conquer just like bass damn right should!

    With bass players such Cliff Burton, Geezer Butler, Geddy ...
  6. Merry Get

    On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... an octopus necklace.

    No, really. It's like he knows me or something.

    I'm so smurfing tired. This was seriously my fourth day of Christmas. Though I was three hours late to the festivities today. I feel the strong urge to buy a new television, you see.

    The other day Shiny called me a spoiled bitch (among other things, but she talks a lot anyway so...) and I think this Christmas has kind of proved ...
    Personal Life
  7. A Plan

    I think I'm just gonna go on a cocaine binge. I have a pretty good savings; I think I could run wild for a pretty long time before I run dry. BJ's gonna be tough to work around--he's diligent--but if I do enough cocaine I won't care anyway, right?

    My friend said that they sell cocaine in, like, a lozenge in South America. I'll bet I could get that online. I'm not really into the thought of snorting powder up my nose, you see. Especially not through money. Money is covered in bacteria, ...
  8. My Belleh

    I am so damn hungry. But I can't just, like, eat this close to bedtime. That would make me an asshole.

    I rode my bike from home to Disneyland, where I enjoyed a churro for dinner. Though I shared it with a toddler so I only got like 2/3 of it. For lunch I had an artichoke. For breakfast I had a banana.

    That's not enough food. I had a light breakfast and lunch because I really wanted that churro, with it's sparkly exterior and sugary crunch. It's soft, warm middle. The ...
    Personal Life
  9. Not that important.

    So, tomorrow I'm having surgery. Well, just an operation to fix my arm apparently. So, starting on midnight (which already passed) I don't eat or drink anything, because I'm going under anaesthesia! Yay! I'm going to end up like that one kid, David. "Is this real life?" "What's happening to me?!" "I've got five fingers..."

    Oh yeah. Sounds like fun. Second time this year too!
    Personal Life

    by , 11-05-2010 at 05:31 AM (rubah's Precious Little Life)
    Yay! I finally have a week-end I can spare to go back and see my parents! They've been living inside for a few weeks, but I'm going to have to stay in the trailer still, since I haven't got a new bed yet. (I have no idea how you would get smoke out of fabric/mattress anyway)

    anyways, I've already been made to promise pictures of my mussie, but I'll try to get some more! My dad sent me some of my room (no carpet yet, so no progress, god am I going to stay here for thanksgiving?!) ...
    Personal Life