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Personal Life

Gamers have lives! And if they run out of them, they best hope they'll have a continue left.

  1. Mourning

    My husband is dead.

    I stood on our doorstep and called out his name, but the children said he had gone for a walk around the lake. He wouldn't be hard to find, always taking the same path, and it wasn't long before I did find him.

    I ran towards him, excited to let him know. I wanted to tell him that we won the battle, that the revolution was over, to pack his things so we could move into the castle. He saw me, but then I saw them.

    I didn't have a chance ...
    Personal Life
  2. Didn't GWB choke on a pretzel back when that was still important enough to be news?

    by , 10-24-2010 at 08:35 AM (rubah's Precious Little Life)
    Yeah, I did just now. This is the second time within a rather short time span that I've started choking on something! A terrifying prospect when you live alone

    Anyways, by keeping my cool, trying to breathe through my nose (it was hard, but I couldn't stop my spasming throat from coughing to breathe through my mouth), and eventually managed to expectorate the damn stuff!

    so, be careful!
  3. Late on the bandwagon!

    Just passed the halfway point of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. I've never read it before and I didn't go see the film so it's all a new experience for me. I was inspired to do it after I saw it on sale for $4.95 at a random bookstall thingo and after recently re-reading Matthew Reilly's The Seven Ancient Wonders / The Six Sacred Stones / The Five Greatest Warriors trilogy (he pays a bit of homage to Brown as the protagonist Jack West goes around doing things like finding the tomb of Christ and ...
  4. Thou hast done very well in defeating the Slime!

    by , 10-17-2010 at 04:36 AM (rubah's Precious Little Life)
    Peegies and I are racing in DW-- I'm playing on NES, and he's emulating. we're both somewhere around lvl 8/9 with the same equipment xD

    You should join us!
  5. Car Update!

    by , 10-14-2010 at 03:40 AM (rubah's Precious Little Life)
    The honeymoon period is still going strong!

    I've gotten pretty good at feeling my key when it's still in my pockets to unlock/lock, and I haven't set the alarm off yet!

    The best way to start is is to step into the car so that my right foot steps on the brake, then push the starter, and while it ignites, shut the door and put on my seatbelt. O, Efficiency!

    I got my first paint scratch, but it's on the very tip of the driver's side backseat, from when ...
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    Personal Life
  6. Oh, God, yes. Talk nerdy to me.

    So this is what a terabyte feels like. Ooooh, yeah. This is nice. So much free space. Unf.

    Today I installed my new TB hard drive and moved most of my datas to it. I still have my OS and shizzle on my 1/2TB, so I have 1.5TB now. Which isn't a ton but it's more than I had before, having spent the last year-ish hovering between 5GB and 200MB of free space left on my primary drive.

    BJ, of course, had to get a 1.5TB drive. Always has to do just a little better than me. ...
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    Personal Life
  7. An Apology

    Not worth a thread so whatever.

    Let's just say if it wasn't for the collective help of Psychotic and rubah, I'd probably be banned now.

    Now, if I at any point seemed mean, shallow, annoying, or stupid, please hear me out. I am not any of those things. In fact, I'm actually a pretty well-spoken and intelligent person irl. I'm moderately successful, have a good repetoire of friends, and I am generally pretty average in terms of sexuality.

    I guess at EoFF I ...
  8. Liveblogging My Unhappy

    I can't find my driver's license, credit card, or Disneyland pass. The last time I saw them was Wednesday, when they were in my back pocket at Disneyland. For the last week I've pushed it to the back of my mind, convinced they'd be in my laundry basket.

    Alas, they are not.

    So I'm on hold with Disneyland's lost and found. It's been twenty minutes.

    "Thank you for your patience. A lost and found cast member will answer your call in just a moment. Please ...
    Personal Life
  9. I am going to pimp my ride

    I just have to. Otherwise I'd have absolutely zero motivation to start looking for work. I finish uni in three weeks and everyone else seems to be either going for interviews or kicking back because they're already working as social workers. I've only applied for one job as a case worker at a youth centre and gotten turned down.

    So I'm setting myself a new goal. I'm gonna turn my car into something my girlfriend will be ashamed to sit in and call me a douche for wasting money on ...
    Personal Life
  10. A Short Complaint

    by , 10-11-2010 at 02:02 PM (rubah's Precious Little Life)

    I have three alarms set, about 15 minutes apart.

    For the first one, I woke up and it was still night outside my window. I said 'wtf'

    For the second, I woke up and it was DAWN RED in my kitchen (faces east). I said 'cool, but WTF'

    For the third, I woke up, and it was actually darker looking than it was the second time. I said 'ugh, cloudy'

    I am not getting up before sunrise. What is this . Go away, ...
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    Personal Life