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  1. Shazam

    Man, I swear. If it's not one thing its another lately. This is more of me venting, so if you don't want to know about that or if you don't care, move along.

    It's just been one thing after another lately, though.

    Work has been terrible, lately. Writeups and stuff, for no real reason.

    I take my car to get my oil changed, turns out I need new brakes. Yay. So a $25 oil change ends up being a $200 repair. Whoop.

    My phones breaking. It doesn't ...
  2. Status Report: Exhausted

    So my vacation is now officially half over. So far during this vacation I have accomplished precisely jack with regards to Operation Wanker, but I'm on vacation, so screw it.

    Productive day in FFXI today, though; Got Super Christ his subjob items and upgraded a couple of pieces of Empyrean armour. Unfortunately it does not look like I will be able to solo the legs upgrade, which was the armour piece that is most desperately in need of improvement.

    Been getting up ...
  3. So, I feel great!

    Let me start with this: I just got my blue belt in Kung Fu after 2 months of training there. Blue belt is the 3rd belt, and I believe it's time I think if it's worth continuing.

    In these 2 months, how I use/treat my body has changed entirely. My body doesn't feel like a burden, it just feels... right. I've learned how to use it properly, and I've started developing a lot of good habits just from taking Kung Fu. It's been a far more fun and challenging workout than when I used to go ...