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  1. 10/10 Scores

    When I started doing reviews scoring things 10/10 was something I struggled with because I cannot for the life of me put my feelings to a number. Every time the doctor asks me how much does it hurt at a scale from 1 - 10 I have no idea what to say. I just can't translate a feeling to a number, there's no way I can do it.

    So I came up with a system I like to think is at least fair to the games I review. My 10/10 scoring is rated by cons. This means I default the game at 10 and subtract ...
    Video Games
  2. Maybe i can get the feedback here..

    I'm on winter break from school. I'm a Game Art student and i need something to model over the break or i will go nuts. Problem is, I'm fried and I can't think of anything I want to do and please no magical girl stuff. I've gotten all sorts of other suggestions on other boards for more sailor moon stuff and I've done a lot of that sort of think lately, so yeah no more of that. Maybe here I can find something that inspires me to model again. So any ideas guys and gals?
  3. Life boat left without me


    Yesterday i got home from the much shorter then i thought trip (hai shorty <3) and my friend who moved away 2 years ago stopped by with her parents to visit.

    we used to go to school together before i had to leave and we kind of knew each other as far back as i can remember

    she started telling me how good school is going and about her friends and i am really happy for her. we said are goodbyes and all that ...