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  1. Again? Really?

    A bunch of people know about all of this already, but.. It's still bothering me to no end.

    Dude dropped this major bomb on me on Sunday talkin' about how "we" have to move to NYC after he gets out of the army.

    "We" don't have to do sh**. I'm not going to NYC to -live- there. Hell to the no.

    Something about he -has- to go to avoid jail time over this whole marriage arrangement he's had going on for several years.

    I told him ...
  2. Crazy/In Love

    Ten years ago today, I was a teenager catching a bus at 5am to go meet some American hooligan at the airport. And look at us now! Who knew I would accidentally find a dashing, stubborn, and intelligent fellow who would check all the zoo/museum enclosures so I don't have to see any _________, make singing along to the radio the funniest thing ever, be able to find, identify and point out birds before I've even noticed them, and knock out a Dostoevsky like it ain't no thang? Certainly not me. ...