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  1. Very, VERY upset/angry rant.

    What, the actual smurf is with people nowadays?
    Did we all just kind enter this era where someone can just smurf someone else over, with no care of the consequence of their feelings?
    It drives me smurfing crazy how this is happening, I've got friends, coming to me and getting down, because someone in their life decided it would be fun to treat them as though they would be impervious to the hurt they would bring to their life.
    Does no one appreciate the damage they can cause ...
    Personal Life
  2. Let's play

    I sort of want to make a blind Let's Play video for youtube. Care to leave some suggestions of what game to play? For the record, a blind Let's Play would be me playing a game for the first time, a game I've never played before.

    I don't have the equipment to record from my TV, so please just suggestions from PS1 or anything older than PS1. Old stuff like NES and SNES are very welcome too, of course. Preferrable, actually!
    Internet , Miscellaneous


    The kids at my school have the style of a Sunday School teacher. It's boring, bland, overly conservative, and largely consiting of only three brands. (Hollister, Aeropostale, and American Eagle.) THAT IS NOT THE POINT OF FASHION. You're supposed to make a statement, if you're going to dress exactly. the. same. then why bother?

    I order my clothes online (imported from Japan, France, and England) and go to stores like Express, Banana Republic, and Passport. ...
  4. Stalemate's suck!

    Most people don't like losing, but stalemating is a hell of a lot worse than losing. Nothing sucks more than a game that lasts hours with no clear winner, or even the hope that someone will win soon.

    Which is yet another reason the first few play tests of my strategy game weren't going very well. We mostly worked out the economy and actions to make winning theoretically possible, but were still playing 2-3 hour games without managing more than one or two hits on the other persons ...
  5. Constitutional healthcare

    Argh, I need sleep, but I just found this so now I need to post/rant about it.

    After the Obama-supported healthcare bill (obnoxiously referred to as "Obamacare") was passed, immediately organizations across the nation filed suit. Their main complaint is one portion of the bill's is regarding the law's requirement that if you don't get healthcare, you have to pay the government. The government said this penalty/tax/whatever power is justified under the Commerce Clause. ...

    Updated 10-08-2010 at 06:12 PM by Raistlin

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